The Awakening part 1

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Bella's pov

I felt like I was drowning. In this never ending darkness. But it was probably the best sleep I've ever had. And I know when I wake up-if I wake up that is. I could be dead for all I know- I'm going to be groggy as hell. Then I'm going to go kick Edwards ass. If not that then I'm gonna blow him the hell up or something. Which ever works better. Maybe I'll get Emm- wait..they left me. All of them just..left. Why? Because of a little accident? Jesus. No. Something else is going on. I need to find Alice. Before I could finish my plans I started to hear this very deep voice somewhere near me. Yes! That means I'm alive at least. "I do. That's why I bit her. Something in her told me to" that was a lighter voice that was a bit husky too so it must be a female. I tried focusing on opening my eyes but it wouldn't work. I started to feel angry and desperate. I NEEDED to wake up. Now. "Kayla-look!" The deep voiced man spoke again. Then all of a sudden I felt this warm and blinding light surge up from my stomach all to way up to my chest then down to my fingers. I felt powerful. I could hear all the beating hearts in the room. Their collective gasps. I could hear a stream four miles away and the heard of elk drinking from it. Three sets of knees hit the floor then strangely they said "your majesty" something about that made my eyes FINALLY open and take in my surroundings. There were two women well, teenagers and one man. Who did look like a man, kneeling in front of the royal blue bed that I was laying on. I was confused to why they were even doing that. Their arms were kinda twisted over their chests too. "Uhh" wait was that my voice? Why did it sound all sultry like? All three of strange people kneeling shivered slightly before one girl with auburn hair and emerald colored eyes stood up slowly before bowing her head at me and holding her hand out towards me with her palm faced up. Something in my head acknowledged this and actually accepted it. A soft growl came from somewhere in my chest, causing one of my hands to fly up to my neck in alarm. The girl straightened up just as slowly and motioned for the others to stand as well. They too bowed their heads but did not stay that way I noticed. "I am Kayla Perro" she introduced "this is my twin brother Maliki Perro and his mate Raina Perro" Maliki and Raina both smiled brightly "your majesty" they spoke together. You know how you don't think to move? Like walking isn't something you think about you just do it. So I just got up out of bed, but on hyperdrive. I moved so fast without knowing that I nearly collapsed but Kayla I think is her name, caught me and sat me back down at the edge of the bed. "Whoa there, you're not used to your knew body yet majesty" she said softly. "My name is Bella" I murmured. She chuckled as well as the other two. "We know" I looked at her confused "then why do you keep calling me 'your majesty'?" She shoved her hands in her jeans "because you have the markings of The Royal" she said simply. I shook my head. "I don't have any markings" "if I may your- Bella" Raina I guess spoke up in a quiet voice "let me show them to you?" I thought about it, I mean what could possibly be any worse than nearly dying? So I nodded my head and, slowly this time, stood up and followed her to a door in the room I was currently in. She opened the door to a bathroom connected to the room and stepped aside so I could walk in first. When I got in there I shrieked. Well let out a TINY scream. I mean come on! I had inky black tattoos swirling up my arms and chest! I could see all of that because someone changed me into a dark green tank-top. Not only that my entire appearance has changed. My hair is darker-almost black- and thicker. My skin is now flawless, if not more pale than usual. And my eyes! They have flecks of this really bright and unrealistic blue in them! I even look well built. I lifted up my shirt and saw that I had a four pack. The tattoos didn't cover my stomach, just went up and down my sides and hips. I turned around and saw that they covered my entire back though. I had to admit, it was extremely sexy. When I turned back around I noticed Something on my chest. I pulled up my shirt further to see a huge bite mark right over where my heart is. I started to trace my fingers over, I couldn't feel it I could only see it. I heard a sorrow filled whimper from inside the room. I turned my head to she Kayla looking down at the ground ashamed pain. I frowned and put my shirt back down. "Come here" I told her as softly as I could. She flinched and walked forward. I noticed she was a lot taller than I was. For some odd reason I felt this..feeling of adoring for her. I pulled her into my arms ignoring the gasp of surprise she let out and cradled the tall girl into my chest. I couldn't stand to see her in pain like that. Just like a mother would do for her child. "It's okay" I cooed. She shuddered and gripped onto my shirt. "You saved my life, thank you" I said pulling her back slightly. I wiped the few tears that had escaped on to her cheeks and smiled at her warmly. She gave me a watery smile and hugged me again. I laughed and looked at the doorway. "Oi!" I hollered. Maliki and Raina jumped slightly "get in here!" I ordered playfully opening my other arm for them. They smiled childishly and ran in but got slightly caught in the frame when they tried to go in at the same time. Causing me to die of laughter. Once they got to me we all got in the hug, weirdly enough this strange loud purr came from my chest. As well as everyone else in the bathroom. "What am I?" I whispered. They all pulled away, still smiling at me. "Come, and we'll show you"

Tigress(Lesbian Stories)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora