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Kayla's pov

I sighed rubbing my tired eyes as I watched her laying lifeless in bed. It shouldn't have taken this long! The time it takes for The Change for our nation of tigers is two days. Not a week. I haven't left her side except once and that was the first day after her attack and the day of her funeral. I had to turn the rock over and smear her blood from the forest floor on the side with minor cracks on it and her clothes beside it to seem like she was attacked my a bear or mountain lion. I then called the police station and demanded for her father. It was a very sad day indeed. He was a wreck. I did my best to help him through it. I was there when he had to call her mother and I stood beside him at the funeral. When I left that day he gave me a hug and told me to keep in touch. Also how much he appreciated my help. It pained me to not be able to tell him she was alive but it was how it was meant to be. "Still asleep huh?" I was brought out of my musing by my twin brother Maliki. His deep voice hard to miss. I looked up at his tall and bulky frame leaning against the door frame. He cast a glance at the still sleeping girl in her now bed that was placed in her newly added room. I nodded silently. "I wonder why it's taken this long. I don't ever recall this in history in our class. It's very odd and I can't see through it." He confessed. He was by far the smartest out of us. He was a trained doctor of our people..or was. We are the last of our kind. Along with our adopted sister Raina who was his mate. But for appearance sake we call her our sister. Our city was attacked by stone people with red eyes. That shine in the sun like diamonds. Better known as vampires. I was outraged when we found one here. We ran into a young wolf shifter that claimed there were vampires that shared a treaty with them and meant no harm to humans. I believe his name was Seth Clearwater. He told us they have golden eyes. Because of their diet on animals, which allows them to be able to live here. To my astonishment he told me the father of the clan was a doctor. And his son dated the "deceased" Isabella Swan who was Edward Cullen. Once I heard his description I connected him to Bella's attacker. I however did not comment on it. Just said my goodbye and returned to Bella's side. I had felt a pull towards her, but I knew it wasn't The Bond pull. "You feel it too don't you?" He whispered. I looked at him confused. "The pull..the NEED to protect her. To be by her side, Raina feels it too.." I nodded. "I do. That's why I bit her. Something in her told me I had to." We looked at her together silently trying to figure the bond she holds over us. "Kayla-look!" He sputtered. I snapped my head towards Bella gasping at the sight "Raina! Come here and look!" Maliki hollered and seconds later she appeared and gasped as well, seeing the brilliant blue strips that curved in the most breathtaking way swirled up her torso and arms stopping at her wrist before dimming back down to an ink black. Still in awe we all simultaneously sank to our with our hands balled and across our chest directly over our hearts before bowing as low as we could murmuring reverently "your majesty" before two eyes- flashing that beautiful blue- fluttered open before returning to the original chocolate brown color.

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