The Awakening part 2

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"Come, and we'll show you" Maliki told me in his deep voice. I nodded and followed them through their house. Oddly enough it reminded me of the Cullen house. I felt a sharp pang at my heart, I miss them so much. A slender warm hand slipped into mine. I turned to see Kayla smiling softly at me. I smiled back in thanks as we walked out to the back yard. Well forest more like it. Kayla let go of my hand and started to strip with the other two. I blushed brightly but not turning away just looking strictly at Kayla's amused face. "You saw the horse like tigers in the clearing yes?" I nodded silently. Without a warning she growled, just as loud as she did in the clearing and jumped out and shifted as well as the other two. All of a sudden I was back in the clearing, bleeding and about to die. I screamed and stumbled back and fell on my ass. "Please! Don't!" I yelled throwing up my hands. I heard a soft huff/growl and looked up to see them all on their bellies, ears down slowly crawling towards me tails down. I sighed out a shaky breath and relaxed pulling my knees to my chest and leaning my forehead against the top of them. I felt my eyes start to burn and my throat close up. His black eyes flickering across my mind. He was a monster, planning on killing me. He wasn't the guy I fell so called fell in love with. If that's what you can call love. We argued so much..I should have known he would have lost his control. The day he pushed me should have been proof enough. Something in him changed that day. I couldn't stand being in the same room with him all night so I sent him away. I couldn't even call Alice. She would be furious. She would kill him if she found out what he did. I felt a nudge against my legs then a insanely warm and soft body wrap its self around me. I noticed its scent, it wasn't as familiar to me but it smelled like roses and peaches. So if it's not Kayla, who smelled like lavender and it's not Maliki it must be Raina. I turned on my side and curled into her white belly fur. She laid her huge, that had a beautiful pattern of black stripes going across her right eye, onto her paws watching me carefully. I started to move my hands through her soft fur and caused her to start purring loudly. I looked over my shoulder to see one of the two remaining tigers standing over one who had their head down in shame. 'It must be Kayla' I thought to myself. I looked at her tiger form, I noticed she had one entire black paw. Which was her back left it seemed. So the other must be Maliki, he had a black stripe going down his chin to his chest and stomach. 'Well that's easy to remember' I mused. I turned back to Raina winking at her before speaking out loudly turning "Maliki stop hassling the poor girl!" I saw him jump high into the air, his fur spiking up in a very cartoonish way. I howled with laugher clutching my sides desperately trying to breathe. I looked at Raina rolling on her back at the site. So I assumed she was laughing. I then looked at the other two, I could tell Maliki was sulking flicking his tail in annoyance. Kayla was looking at me and nodded her thanks to me. I smiled and waved it off but stood up anyway. "So how do I do this?" I asked excitedly. Kayla shifted back pulling on her clothes. "Well first time shifters need assistance by and older shifter to be able to shift." She explained coming to stand in front of me. "Don't worry it's a painless transformation. Unlike most shifters our bones don't brake. It's said that the First Royal gave us the power of a quick and easy shift for safety reasons." I nodded relieved that it wouldn't be like something I saw in a horror movie. "How am I a Royal?" I asked still not believing how I can be important. She smiled "well our last Royal said that another Royal will rise out of the ashes of our people. That one with a true heart and soul will save the world from darkness. So she must of found a light of greatness in you to have chosen you. And now we our your loyal servants and protectors till our last breath" she then bowed again, arm going across her chest. I looked at the others who were bowing in there shifted forms. I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked up at me. "You are my friend. Family even. Not my servant. All of you." I looked at Raina and Maliki. Who both smiled in a way only a tiger can smile. I looked back at Kayla who was smiling as well. "As you wish Bella" I smiled back and scratched the back of my neck nervously. Not knowing where that came from. "So how will you help me?" I asked trying to get past my embarrassment. She chuckled and held out her arm. I hesitatingly did the same, she wrapped her hand around my inked up forearm and I did the same out of instinct. "Now clear your mind and focus on the energy I'm giving you, do you feel it?" She murmured. I cleared my mind closing my eyes and searched for said energy. It took a while but I finally felt it. "Yes" "good now let it consume you and embrace you in its warmth. That will be your Tiger Link forming." She instructed. I nodded and let it overcome me. It warm. Like it filled me up and made me feel whole. But I noticed that there was one part that did not feel whole. "Ohhh" I hummed as I felt her become one with me. Then all of a sudden the same bright blue light shone behind my closed eyes and I saw two bright blue eyes appear before me. Then a large beautiful white tiger with stripes just like mine came into view. I gasped or multiple did as her soul connected with mine and I felt my body shift into something bigger and more powerful. Kayla was right it didn't hurt, in fact it was a relief kinda feeling. I opened my eyes and noticed how sharper everything was. And how high I was from the ground. I looked down to see Kayla looking at me in awe. I tried to ask he what she was looking at but it came out in soft growls. I huffed loudly making her laugh. 'You obviously can't talk in this form silly Bella' a voice similar to Raina spoke in my mind. 'Raina?' I asked timidly. 'Yes silly Bella' I huffed again. 'Why is she looking at me like that?' She laughed loudly along with Maliki. 'Because' he answered for her 'you're truly magnificent'. If tigers could blush I'm sure I would be on fire. They all started to laugh at my embarrassment. I growled and tackled Raina playfully when she wasn't looking. We tumbled around before she pinned me on my back. I couldn't help but start laughing along with them. Finally feeling like I belonged in this world.

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