Figuring Things Out p.1

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Bella's pov

I grumbled to myself as I gave up on trying to get Alice to let me walk up the oddly similar mansion like the house they had in Forks. Everyone around me chuckled at my disgruntled expression causing me to scowl into Alice's neck. "I don't see why I can't walk."

"Because I said you couldn't silly." She quickly retorted hopping up the steps only to hesitate for a second and continued on through the threshold.

She stepped into the living room turning so she could deposit me onto a ridiculously and unnecessarily large couch. I huffed as everyone else filed in and sat around us, as well did Alice.

I watched Esme look up a staircase with searching eyes speaking out softly, but I could hear the anxiety slipping into her voice for her mate, "Carlisle?"

"I'm here dear" he responded in an equally anxious tone as they embraced tenderly. I realized then, that this is what having a mate truly meant and that Edward could not have been my mate in the first place because I never responded this way when he left to hunt. I looked around at the mated pairs around me and saw all of them take their seats and practically smother them with affection and tenderness that could have brought tears to my eyes. The only one that stood out was Kayla, who was without a mate. She looked up catching my gaze and gave me a small sad smile. I smiled back and pulled Alice into me, seeking the comfort of having her near.

"Bella." I looked to Carlisle as he addressed me softly. His eyes held such sadness and happiness that I couldn't really respond

"I am deeply and truly happy to see you once again in our home" he murmured sincerely.

I nodded back smiling softly at him. Carlisle looked at my pack and raised himself up as a true coven leader and held his hand out to Maliki, who in turn untangled himself from Raina and grasped his hand.

"Maliki, my old friend, it is such a pleasure to see you once again," Carlisle told him smiling largely. I let my jaw drop, as did everyone else's, as Maliki laughed and smiled back.

"Yes quite my boy, I did not ever think to see the day where we would cross paths again. I always wondered what you made of yourself and now to see-" he gestured around the room with a wave to the Cullen family "That you have made a beautiful family, just as you promised all those years ago."

Carlisle opened his mouth to respond. "Ah yes I-" "Hold up!" Em boomed looking at his father figure. "You knew him?!" he questioned baffled.

Carlisle nodded absently, clearly accustomed to Emmett's random outbursts, "Yes, he was the one to bury me in potatoes. After I woke, he herded me into the forest and taught me to hunt animals. He spent the next several years helping me with my control around humans. It was then that I learned of his history and people. I offered to help but, he told me to follow my wishes to make a coven- a family of my own and show them a better way of existence."

I took notice of the shocked faces around me and giggled a little. They all looked at me, causing my cheeks to blush in a fiery red at the embarrassment of being heard. I coughed slightly and ducked my face into Alice's neck trying to make myself disappear as much as possible. Everyone laughed slightly at my expense, including Alice, who wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me snugly into her side and rested her cheek on top of my head. I smiled slightly and sighed in content with the closeness she granted me.

"But how did you end up being on the Volturi's guard?" Emmett started up bringing everyone's attention back to the topic at hand.
Carlisle sighed deeply and ran a hand through his blonde hair.

"I had tried," he began in a somber tone,"to still find ways to help Maliki's people. I was unsuccessful so I left in hope of finding a family."

"Oh," Em nodded and settled back down against Rose since his curiosity was satisfied. I swear that man is such a kid sometimes I mused silently to myself.

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