A Nightmare Dressed As A Dolphin

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No, I couldn't think of a more original title. Deal with it Peasants. It was either this or 'Back To The Noobs'. I'm just joking! ' Back To The Noobs' will be part two. NOW I COMMAND THEE TO LAUGH *ha. ha. ha* please.

This is going to be a short story based off a nightmare I had at 7 am. Why perceive nightmares as a nightmare when you can convert it into a stupid thriller meant for comical purposes?


ೃ⁀➷ The Cast

: ̗̀➛ Me (Clara/ Barney) as thyself

: ̗̀➛ Richie as thyself

: ̗̀➛ Pennyphin as thyself aka the "IT" of noobville

: ̗̀➛ Derren as thyself

: ̗̀➛ Noobs as thyselves

: ̗̀➛ Humans as thyselves

: ̗̀➛ Dolphins as thy bloody selves

: ̗̀➛ Potatoes as thy vegetable self

: ̗̀➛ You as thouselve

( I thought it'd be fun to use 'thyself' instead of her or himself and I added Derren because.... I don't know actually )

Now, on with the short story....

Clara ambitiously walked through the halls clattered with tons of moody teenagers, raving about normal teenage stuff and whatnot. Clara was anything but normal. Unless being nocturnal, overdosing on caffeinated coffee and engaging in a cult by the name of 'Humorous Nonsense' seems normal to you. If it does, go get your senses checked out. You may be suffering from the symptoms of insanity.

The month was August. The year was 2021. The obstacle? The first day of the 10th grade. hOw sCaRy, bOoOo hOoOo

Beep beep Richie

That's your damn cue Richie...

Richie lifted a brow, unsure on whether to halt Clara's illegal chugging down of caffeinated coffee or simply shrug it off like usual.

Everything was right. It was the day they have been waiting for all their life. It was all perfectly fine, or so it seemed....

Richie's schedule slipped from her hands, gracefully pouncing onto the graveling ground. She crouched down to pluck it back up again, but instead peculiarly found an uncanny gadget in it's place.

Unsure of what to think or do, Richie's fingers buffered around the odd object, presumably pressing numerous buttons simultaneously.

It took a vast amount of time for Clara to realize her time machine ( transporter? ) had slipped out of her backpack and into Richie's hands.

You thought April was the only one with a time machine? Well, surprise! *sarcastically throws hands into the air* She's not.

How did Clara sustain an exact replica of April's time machine? Simple. She stole it from her neighbor as an act of strategized and bitter revenge. He should've never left it unattended without proper security in the first place.

( Fun Fact: excluding the part of me stealing the time machine and plotting revenge, this neighbor actually claimed to own a time machine! I'm not kidding, he literally exists. Ofcourse there's obviously no real time machine *sigh* The stray cats informed me years ago... )

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