1989, Bisexual Potatoes And Lesbian Chickens

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You may be raising your brow at this very moment, confused to what the hell this chapter is going to be about judging by the title. Well I think it's pretty obvious the chapter will be quite LGBQTIA+ so if you're homophobic or transphobic fuck off :D 

Today we will be discussing the rainbow that has surrounded me since 2016. hOw fAsCiNaTiNg *cough* not really, but April and Owen seem to want to read this- whatever this is. 

Back to 2016 . . .  2016 . . .  ah yes, 2016. I was 10 for less than half the year. Well, back 

When I was 10 I had a strange obsession with chibi like chickens. I think this explains it:

Well, I used to be quite the chicken plush collector back then. I had two obvious favorites.

Besides them there were triplets; two cisgender and one non-binary who goes by they/them.

As my dear friend ( for privacy reasons let's call her Emma. I can't use her chosen pysendom because shit can go wrong, maybe her sister remembers my old account which directly links to this account. Or her cousin who follows her takes a look at her followers and finds me. First of all I talked about LGBQT on my old account and have a pride theme. If that wasn't enough, this account is literally my place to be as gay as I want. Emma's family is homophobic so like um- I really don't want to get her in trouble by using her pysendom because I'm not straight. Emma is ace and introduced me to asexualness which I am very grateful for. Anyways- )

Emma described it "they have no gender. Not a girl, not a boy. Just they " except back then I was not yet aware of the non-binary existence and didn't realize that at 11 I was incorporating LGBQT characteristics in ' No Name" ( Don't worry, I named them but knowing Owen he's going to name them some random name anyways ) which is pretty cool! Non-binarys are cool. Very cool.

Then there was Richard who was chill with being openly gay. Richard is real and not a plush chicken bi the way. Ofcourse there was also *dramatic drumroll* Miss Rainbow herself ( her literal real name means rainbow but I don't want to share her real name )

So Rainbow crowned herself queen of the potatoes, while Richard crowned himself king of bananas. Richard being Richard tried to take Rainbow down to take over her potato empire ( istg I'm not making this up- This was elementary for gay sake )

Eventually no one won the battle *fake yawns* I took over as potato queen years later and happily ever after. Whatever.

Anyways in case you haven't caught on Rainbow is bisexual. Only cool thing about her *mumbles* She might not know it but I personally have *dramatic shit* bad blood with her. Not fond of that girl at all.

About the lesbian chickens-

Wait, I haven't started talking about them yet,  Have I?

Okay so as I said when I was 10 I was obsessed with chibi chicken plushes so for Easter my mom got me a bunch of chicken toys. One of them had a black hat, so I assumed she was a magician and named her Abra Cadabra ( is that how you spell it? ) because why not? Keep in mind I was ten, okay? I'm not a genius at name giving like Richie or Owen. Why do you think my inflated cat army have names like " Bill E. Eyelash" or " Audrey "?

Turns out the black hat was supposed to be a grooms hat. Huh. . . 

I later on understood that when I went to the store where my mom originally got the magician chicken. There were tons of groom chickens next to bride chickens. I pleaded my mom to get me a bride chicken. My crazy chicken collection, rEmEmBeR?

Recently I found those two chickens and married them because



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