Chapter 1

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** Notice, this contains manga spoilers, you've been warned. I will not take responsibility if reading this spoils something for you and I will not discourage comments that contain spoilers.

*** If this has grammatical errors or misspellings I apologize, I plan on proofreading it and cleaning it up once I finish because that's something that I don't ever have motivation for until I've finished a project.

   The girl huffed as her legs seemed like they were going to give out. Her throat stung and she was on the brink of collapse. There's still a monster chasing her. She can't stop now. Her knees buckled and she dropped. She crawled as quickly as she could but was already exhausted and whatever had killed her family was already closing in on her long before she ran out of breath.

   She knew it was hopeless to continue but she couldn't help it. If she was going to die then she'd make it as difficult as possible.

   She wheezed and choked on her air. Breathing hurt. Her throat burned. She couldn't keep going anymore. She stopped, sitting back. She didn't want to give up. But she couldn't go any further.

   Closing her eyes, she waited for death to befall her. The monster's claws gripped her rising and falling shoulders and trailed up to her neck where it's nails bit small marks into her skin, drawing blood. The fear she felt was unparalleled but there was nothing left she could do.

   "Breath of Wind, First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter," a low voice said. Outside of her panting and now the new voice it was completely quite in the woods surrounding my small town. She looked over to see a scarred man with a white haori and somewhat baggy pants. His top was unbuttoned revealing his chest which was scarred as well.

   There was no way he could have gotten there so quietly. It was fall and leaves covered the ground. Not to mention it was a dark night meaning he couldn't exactly watch his step. The monster's grip tightened once more before it spoke up.

   "Oh cute, a demon slayer. I've killed-" it didn't finish it's sentence. In a moment the man had drawn a sword and barreled towards the monster. With a flash of green and a strong gust of wind he was on the other side of her. The monster let go, it's claws caressing her skin as it's hands dropped. A thud was heard and the girl looked to see it's head fall as it, along with it's body, turned to dust.

   Her breathing, while calmer than before, was still not normal and the sight of the monster fading away while an intimidating man covered in muscle and scars looked down at her, still gripping his sword, made her breathing become completely erratic again.

   "Please don't...hurt me...I don't...have any...thing on me," she said. Her voice was weak and broken up by heavy gasps for air. She pushed herself away from him as best she could with her tired limbs. He sighed and sheathed his sword before turning to face her fully.

   His face was just as scared as the rest of him and his eyes had an intense look to them.
   "Are you alright?" he asked. It felt harsh but he just saved the poor girls life, she couldn't really say anything negative about him right now. She took a few breaths trying to get ahold of myself.

   "Y-yes," he turned to walk away, "but wait! Pl...ease. Please, that monster. killed my family...what the hell...was it?" he looked over his shoulder at her. She looked pitiful. Barely able to breathe, sweating, at some point she'd started crying, and dirty. He closed his eyes and looked away again.

   "Sorry about your family. That was a demon, they eat humans. You shouldn't be out at night, that's when they come out. Go back to your town," he said coldly. She stuttered out more questions but they were either ignored or unheard as he walked away.

   She looked down and was met dirt covered hands. There was blood on them as well. It wasn't her own. Her tears came on stronger and for a couple hours she sat crying in the woods. The sun had started to rise and she sniffled, looking to it. She closed her eyes and took a breath.

   Standing up her legs still hurt but she had to move. On sore, shakey legs she walked back to her house. The smell of blood hit her harshly. There were no remains but blood still stained the tatami mats and walls. Her face fell and a few more tears dropped. The demon must have ate them. That's why she was able to get so far before it began to chase.

   She hung my head. She had running away while her family was eaten by a monster.
   "I'm sorry," she mumbled. Her voice was barely audible. Even if there was another soul awake, they likely wouldn't have been able to hear her. The house was on the outskirts of town meaning no one was near enough to see, let alone hear her pitiful apology.

   She got on her knees and bowed to the bloody room before her. She couldn't bring herself to do anything so she opted to sit on the porch and wallow in pity and shame. The sun was hot but she didn't dare go into the house. The stench from the blood was unbearable and the stains unsightly.

   Shortly after noon she passed out. The warmth from the sun and exhaustion she felt lulled her to a dreamless slumber. When she woke it was night. She jolted and whipped her head around. There was nothing but green forest and the cricking of grasshoppers. She forced herself to calm down. There were no other demons here. It was safe for now.

   She sighed and stood. Her joints hurt. Sitting on the hard wood all day certainly hadn't helped. She opened the door to her house and grimaced slightly. She looked down and walked into the house, careful to avoid any spots of blood, and changed her clothes. Her hands and neck still had caked blood on them but she didn't bother with it for she didn't care. Afterwards she grabbed all the money they had and a haori before walking out and closing the door.

   She quickly made her way to a small stream to clean the wounds on her neck and scrub her hands of her family's blood. Once finished she looked at the tall grass that grew near the house and smiled softly. The fireflies had started to come out and it created a serine environment. If she didn't know any better she would think it to be any other calm, normal, summer night. Nights like these were normally spent catching and releasing fireflies but unfortunately that was gone now.

   She looked down and started to walk towards the larger city a few days walk from her small, humble village. She took one last deep breath of the sweet smell of the forest as it thinned out and the sun started to raise again. She had been walking a while now and her legs still hurt but she'd be damned if she stopped. That demon had called that guy a demon slayer and she would not stop until she knew more about it.

   If she was able, she was going to do what that man did. She didn't know anything about what "Breath of Wind" was or if she could do it, but if nothing else she would learn all she could. This shouldn't have to happen to anyone else. She was going to do anything in her power to make her family proud and kill any demons she can.

**Sorry if there's any perspective changes in this, this was originally first person until I changed it because third would work better. I'm gonna go through this but I just do not have motivation to right now.

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