chapter 15: 2/3 how strong are you?

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Sayuki a POV

After that very boring class , I decided to go to the hokage , just to see what he wanted.  Not that I care.

I knocked on the big brown oak door , receiving a "come in".

Entering I was surprised to see I had a welcome party , which consisted of my father, mother ,sister , that dimwit and kakashi sensei along with the hokage

"Sayuki , I'm glad you found the time to come , with you going to school and all." He said calmly but I could tell what I sent the anbu to say , upset him quite a bit.

This amused me , but I didn't let it show

"So I guess your wondering what I called you here for , and why your team and family are here"

He said, I had to fight the erg to roll my eyes.

Nobody s POV

"That's rather obvious don't you think?"

The youngest uchiha answered

"Well I wanted to ask some questions" Naruto explained

"Oh, if that's all I'm here for , then I'm going to leave , for whatever interest you have is none of my concern" the girl answered in a fast but bored tone , taking everyone in the room by surprise , Naruto knew the girl had a sharp tongue but never did he imagine she would react so , casually

The room went silent

Naruto cleared his voice , "unfortunately that's not your choice" naruto said with a bit more authority

The girl was again about to refuse...

"Do it"

'What why?'

"Because if they ask you questions then you can see how much they know about you and use that to your advantage'

After pondering over it , she let out a heavy sigh

" fine"

"Great , take a seat " the hokage said regaining his relaxed posture but kept a straight face to show the seriousness of the matter.

"I'm fine standing" Sayuki answered with again a bored tone

Ignoring their answer naruto began...

"I found some information that you went in the forest and was somehow able to reincarnate someone" naruto said
At this Sayuki narrowed her eyes slightly

"Now I know your taught in the beginning of the first years in the academy that performing a reincarnated jutsu along with a few other jutsus is forbidden and those who perform the jutsu are considered enemies or a dealt with"

This didn't seem to scare nor interest the youngest uchiha , seeing this naruto thought it be best if he started with the questions

"So my first question is , how did you , a new genin graduate perform a jutsu that takes a full fledged jounin years to master , perform this within only the early age of your life?". Came the question

" Don't know" came the simple bored answer

"What do you mean you don't know?" The now agitated mother exclaimed
"We saw you perform it and it was obvious you knew what you were doing so don't you say you don't know!!"

"Calm down Sakura" naruto said calmly but sternly

Making her sigh but obey

Grumbling she kept quiet

"Now Sayuki I know this might be a bit overwhelming but you will only get in more trouble if you don't tell us"

"Fine I'll tell you" the young uchiha said , surprising everyone in the room as they did not expect it to be so easy

"Fine I admit it"

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