chapter 36 : sarada's dream

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Hello author chan here and I'm just going to say, this chapter is a bit eerie and blood filled, it had a lot of gore and frankly it's just plain disturbing, so if you can't handle that kind of stuff I advice you don't read this, also please don't report this chapter because you got the guts to read it and you did but found it nasty so you just report it, but other than that enjoy!!✌️✌️

Shallow breaths came out as puffs of smoke as sarada panted trying to get collect as much air as needed, her forehead glistened with sweat and her body felt weak

She hated feeling vulnerable

Squinting her eyes ever so slightly to try and get a clear view of the dark place she was currently in

How many times? 40? Or 50? She wasn't sure but one thing she knew was that this vision, this...this illusion kept repeating itself so many times and each time she failed

A bright light shone , and just like the many times before the same thing happened , she found herself square at the centre of the leaf village, there were children playing together, adults speaking and greeting each other, chatter covered all of konoha , but sarada waited ...she waited for what she knew was coming next.

And just as predicted, a flaming meteor came at lighting speed toward the village

The people who noticed it had a few seconds to scream before it hit and killed them almost instantly

The atmosphere became cold, the skies turned to a blood red and the homes that once occupied civilians now burnt and turnt to ash

Sarada's head turned towards the sky and she saw three figures approach.

'here we go again '

Sarada thought

"Hello dear sister , it's good to see you, remember I told I came for those eyes , I'm here~" came the delightful voice of one of the three people, sayuki

"But first I have to keep my promise and make those you love suffer"

The same old words, the same voice, the same actions , every damn time

Sarada was getting sick of it, why did this world have to repeat it's self

Quickly grabbing her ears and blocking them from what she feared would come next , and like everything it did

A loud agonizing scream, a scream that made sarada tear up, one that made her knee buckle and one that broke her heart each time she heard it

Her mother's scream

Slowly looking up, she came before a scene she had experienced thousands of times, her mother was chained to a tree near sayuki and the two mysterious figures, she had blood coming out of her thing cracked lips, her breaths were shallow and painful, her once tanned skin pale as a corpse .
But even then she still lived

"Oh dear sister, I told you I'd keep my promise, I'm gonna make everyone you love suffer, I'm make them scream for mercy , make every second of every hour a living nightmare for all of them" and just as the words slipped out of sayuki's mouth thousands of trees appeared behind her and the two figures

And on each tree a person was chained , all in tye same condition as Sakura , the trees formed a kind of pattern , there were rows and columns of trees that chained a different person

Sarada albeit not wanting to know had figured out that the ones in the front held the people she cared for the most, and the ones behind she hardly knew, all she knew was that she saw them once or twice in the village

"Now dear sister, give me my present , after all it took me quite some time to make this happen and I had to arrange it in am order where you would see the once you held most dear" came the sick voice of who she once titled as a little sister.

The very front of the trees held her best friends, all in the terrible condition, all except Boruto. Who looked like he wasn't going to give up any time soon, upon seeing this, the male of the two strangers walked to him, very slowly. He extended his arms to Boruto and muttered "your one stubborn kid you know that, to bad you won't make it to see how the world bids you goodbye" and like the hundred times before he held Boruto's head and pulled ever so slightly but seemed to be enough as his head detached it's self from his body, blood came spilling out every where

Sarada screamed and fell on her knees like how Boruto's body, or rather corpse lay lifeless on the tree

Tears streamed out from sarada's eyes

"Come now sister, what kind of hokage let's her people die? Prob to me you deserve the title hokage, show me what you've got"

But try as she might sarada could not will herself to do anything

"Very well" the same sinister voice that had been haunting her since she entered this dream state said

When did sayuki become like this? When did she loose her mind? Was this some sort of twisted prank?

Another cry came out of Sakura's lips , lifting her head up , she was met with yet another terrifying scene

Sayuki taking her time pulling out her right eye, sarada held her breath

Upon successfully taking her mother's eye out, sayuki turned her gaze to sarada

"Give me you eyes or else I'll make the all blind, permanently "

But sarada refused to do so, seeing defiance in her older sister's eyes , sayuki went to take the nest eye out

Only to be stopped by a kunai knife that had flown past her

Slowly turning her head Sayuki was met with red sharingan eyes that pierced hers

"I'll stop you no matter what" sarada proclaimed

Without giving much thought or care to her sister , sayuki pulled Sakura's other eye out, faster and rougher this time , her eyes looked with the now horror filled ones of sarada

With the scream that erupted from Sakura's throat

Sayuki turned "oh sweet, naive, stupid sister, there is nothing to stop, you already late as it is and all you can do that can make this easy on your friends is to simply hand me those eyes if not, then they will suffer the same consequence as mom over here"

"Never" sarada said in a deep growl

Scoffing sayuki said" well then, don't blame me for the amount of blood spilt on your hands" and just like that the entire village screamed in agony

The different voices all meshed to make a sick twisted melody that drove sarada to try brink of insanity

Desperately clawing her ears in an attempt to stop the sounds she cried out

"No, stop this , stop this!!"

Suddenly appearing near her, sayuki held her chin between her forth and fifth fingers

"I can make all this go away and all you have to do is give me those eyes, you won't feel a thing and I promise dear sister once you accept the fact that I am indeed stronger than you, you won't have to ever worry you pretty little head about anything ever again" sayuki's voice sounded so genuine but sarada could figure out the dark message behind them

She would never have to worry because she would be dead

"No, never, I refuse" and like the times before a hand pierced her gut , but it hurt each time it went through

"Oh well, I tried, I'm juts going to have to take you eyes from your dead body then" just like that darkness covered the entire place and sarada felt ...cold, so so cold


Springing up from the black cold floor, she panted and held her neck, she was back to were she started
A bright light shone over everything

"Here we go again"

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