Chapter 9

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"I want peace" I heard a shout from the large entrance of the grounder camp .

I was still surrounded by grounders.

I watched as the dark figure came out t was a person I was least likely to think would say that .

It of course was Bellamy ....

"Griffin" he said in shock.

"Blake" I snarled back noticing this was the first time he'd talk to me since he confronted me about dating Murphy.

"As your other leader said you want peace so we will give it to you but it starts with a death".

"So who dies" Bellamy asked me standing beside me.

"Well I don't know any of your names so I'll have to meet your people" she sneered.

We walked back to camp in silence I hated the thought that I would be sentacing one of my people to die.


The grounders came in the morning walking through camp to select someone.

"I choose the one you call Octavia" Anya shouted at me

My heart dropped and stared at O she was crying.

"I volunteer as tribute" Murphy called from the crowd
(Sorry but I really had to write that)

Murphy was instantly taken into the grounders grasp much against Clarke who was getting held back by The grounders.

"Give him a week" I called out to them in the midst of action

"You have one week then he dies" Anya snapped i could hear her teeth bash against each other as she closed her mouth.

Really short chapter sorry

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