Chapter 14

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I was sorting Felix's hand after a rough fight.

"Hey Clarke can I talk to you" Kayla said from behind me

"Yeah sure " I said not turning to face her .

"Avoid straining it" I said patting his back as he walked out.

"So you and Bellamy" she said to me.

"You think your different from any other slut he's slept with" she snapped at me

"I don't think you get it because I don't care " I snapped at her.

"Leave him alone or I'll tell everyone you have overdosed on drugs" she snapped at me.

I realised that nobody should know about that especially Bellamy.

"Fine" I huffed and went to clean the operating table.

"Good " she said and walked out the dropship.

I stated at the wall for 10 minutes alone with my thoughts and decided to break the promise I made myself

To not do drugs but that was about to blow up.

I walked out the dropship seeing Kayla hang around Bellamy's shoulders I'm guessing she told him some messed up lie.

The camp was no longer small that held 100 prisoners but a good few 100 now.

I slipped out the camp and ran to my second home ,the bunker

The bunker was cold like the frost on a cold morning.

I looked through the shelf's and found a bottle of old pills.

I smiled they were like my happy pills

I opened the bottle and settled down on the old couch.

I chucked the pills into my dry mouth and chewed them making my mouth dryer.

I huffed in frustration knowing they will think somethings up if I keep leaving camp.

I opened my pack and threw the bottles of drugs into my empty rucksack.

I walked back to camp and settled back into my tent emptying the bottles into my small wooden box beside my makeshift bed.

"Clarke can I talk to you " Octavia said from outside my tent before coming in.

"Why did you breakup with Bellamy " she quizzed.

"Was it because of you overdosing " she said before I could reply to the first question.

"Let's say that" I said to her.

"Clarke you overdosing was a mistake" she said sitting beside me.

"No Octavia it wasn't " I said tearing up.

"Why would you want to die" she said to me.

"That's none of your business " I said getting up and walking out my tent.


I hated Clarke but knew their was a reason for all of this

I watched as she quickly left her tent and walked over to the dropship .

Octavia walked out a minute later wiping her tears away and walking off.

I slowly walked over to Octavia stopping her in her tracks.

"What's wrong" I asked her.

"Nothing " she said her voice


"Tell me"

"I went to talk to Clarke as people in our camp have taken drugs"

"Who" I asked

"Just people"

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