Chapter 21

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I guess me and Bellamy's relationship went faster than we imagined.

It looked like we already had a child growing up in the growing world of the grounders and sky people.

Clarke sighed a slight feeling of guilt covered her emotions ,she knew Octavia and Lincoln stopped trying and it was tearing their relationship apart.

Her and Bellamy weren't ready for a child and too them Zara was to big a responsibility for a couple who only reached their one month mark today.

Her and Bellamy needed to sort out their differences , she loved Bellamy and needed him to be beside her in the makeshift bed and night saving her from the nightmares which consumed her before.

Her fingers trickled through a rhythm against her face as she leaned against the metal table of the dropship .

A pair of arms made their way around her waist , Clarke wasn't stupid and knew who it would be the person who kept her alive for so long , Bellamy.

"You okay Griffin" he said his warm breath lingering onto her ever so distant thought's.

"Bellamy I think we should give Zara to Octavia and Lincoln" I said facing him , Clarke knew Bellamy would be pissed off but deep down she knew she was right it was more a gut instinct than a heart to mind thought.

"Clarke she called you mom doesn't that mean anything" Bellamy whined trying to give me his best puppy eyes.

"It did but Bellamy are we even ready for kids" I said to him , Clarke seen the hurt in his eyes and tried her best to ignore it .

"Maybe we aren't ready for anything" he shouted at me , his anger continuing to build up until even I was scared of him

"Bellamy I just said we aren't ready for kids" I screamed back , this time Clarke was pissed he took everything to personally.

"Yeah and maybe you aren't over Murphy Clarke" Bellamy shouted, it was at this point Clarke knew Bellamy was right she wasn't over Murphy she just tried to hide it despite her drug problems she knew she was over drugs not Murphy

"Maybe your right" I said to him.

"I know I am" Bellamy said to me his voice softer and innocent.

"Go back to sleeping with sluts" I said and walked out of the dropship leaving him alone in the damn dropship.

I huffed with frustration , Clarke knew in the back of her mind this wasn't fair to Zara.

She wandered over to what was her and Bellamy's tent and grabbed her belongings carefully not to see her all of Bellamy's stuff in case she began to tear up.

She wandered over to Octavia and Lincolns cottage where they were looking after Zara.

I knocked on the cottage door and Octavia answered it with a smile on her face.

"Hey Clarke I thought you said you'll pick Zara up at the end of the day" .

"Yeah em I was wondering if you could look after Zara permanently" I said choking on the last words.

"What happened" she said her voice separating from her now thin lips.

"Em I don't know but me and Bellamy aren't ready for children" I said to her and walked away.

Clarke felt a pang of guilt and decided to get over Murphy's death.


Its been about a 2 weeks since me and Clarke's breakup and so far no women wanted to come back to my tent and knew Clarke was behind it.

I went to confront Clarke , Bellamy knew she was doing this because she could and right now their was nothing stopping her.

"Wheres Clarke" I said to miller and a couple of others..

"The river" miller said to me before I pulled him towards Clarke's destination.

When we got their Clarke was in the water with some boy called Evan , he had brown hair and the features which made a girl faint.

I could see they were both stripped of their clothes leaving them in their underwear.

"What is it Bellamy" Evan said mesmerized by Clarke's breasts.

"Bellamy go away" Clarke snapped as her and Evan kissed in the clear river .

"Stop telling girls to not sleep with me" I snapped back at her as I watched Evans hand grab her ass.

I loved Clarke's curves they made a new definition of beautiful.

She really was beautiful..

"Fine" she snapped back continuing to seduce Evan in the water

Bellamy snapped out of it , it took him a while but he finally did it.

"Bellamy man to man please leave us alone this girl is hot as fuck and I already have a boner" Evan said to me and Clarke kissed his wet neck.

"Come on Miller" I said dragging Miller back to camp.

"Dude why the hell did you break up with her she's hot" Miller said as we walked over to the girls part of camp .

"These girls are shit " miller groaned at me.

"Deal with it" I said to him targeting the leader.

"Bellamy Clarke's not back to tell them to sleep with you" Miller said pulling me over to the fire .

"Your right" I said to him as we grabbed food and walked over to my gang of friends.

I watched the gate for 2 hours as the gang talked about Clarke being single again , I felt a pang of jealousy as I seen Evan sleeping with Clarke it should've been me.

Clarke and Evan wandered through the gate , Evan waved at us and walked over the smile never leaving his face

"How was it" Derek said , who was the most interested in Clarke.

"Dude it was paradise" Evan said to us sitting down.

We , miller and Connor got up and walked over to the gang of ladies.

Clarke had obviously talked to them and now they were looking all flirtatious

"Thanks Clarke" Miller said smiling at Clarke who was now talking to her best friend Raven.

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