Chapter 17

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The room was quiet enough to keep Korra's headache at bay, only a small amount of chatter echoed. The officer was at her desk after setting her class to work on a few math equations that she had found in some drawers earlier. Her whistle planted neatly next to her just in case she needed to use it. With paper work of her own in front of her, the last thing she needed was a room full of wild kids screaming.

A hand shot up into the air and earned Korra's attention immediately.
"Miss Smith?"

Korra smiled at the polite little girl, she was sitting next to an oddly confused Hiro. Those two had gotten along quite well at break.
"What's up Tikkani?"

"We're stuck."

Korra chuckled and made her way over to the two of them after covering up her work with some blank sheets. She checked over the shoulders of the other students and they were getting along nicely, wizzing through the question sheets. A strange feeling tingled in her chest, it was a sense of pride that over took her and made her smile. A few months ago, when she first joined, these kids were a bunch of absolute devils but now they're complete angels. Even though teaching can be a nightmare, Korra found that this job could be rewarding in the end.

The officer set herself down onto one of the tiny chairs next to Tikkani. As she sat down Korra instantly regretted it, her knees were forced into her chest due to the smallness of them and her legs barely fit underneath the tiny tables.
"So what are you two stuck on?" She asked.

Tikkani gently slid the question sheet infront of her teacher and tapped with her pencil onto question eight. Korra didn't hesitate to examine it. First, she took a look at the questions above it, analysing Tikkani's handwriting. For a six year old it was surprisingly neat. Tikkani tapped a double digit number that she wrote down earlier.

"I got this answer." she said before handing Korra another sheet of paper. It was Hiro's work, she could tell by his loopy writing, they were almost unreadable scribbles but Korra could manage. Tikkani tapped a one digit number that was writing on Hiro's work.
"Hiro got this. We don't know which ones right."

Korra nodded and gently took Tikkani's pencil into her own hand.
"Okay.." She said and she begun to read the question out in her head. After she did that, her brows knitted together in confusion. Math. Her highschool enemy. The one subject she barely passed in her younger days.

She tapped her pencil against the white sheet and created an army of dots at the end of the question. Korra was embarrassed to even say that she was struggling on a question that was made for six year olds. Did they change math or something? What even is this? Or perhaps it wasn't her ability to do math that was problem. Her mind was elsewhere drowned in a sea of thoughts.

"Uh.." She mumbled and read over the question once again. Division. Her pencil made a few more dots onto the page.
"How'd you two get that?"

Hiro leaned over the desk.
"The bus stop method!"

The what? Korra forced a smile and nodded. The officer couldn't remember the last time she took a math test but she certainly didn't miss it. The bell for lunch soon rung, saving the poor woman from embarrassing herself in front of her class of six year olds. Korra was quick to her feet and she pointed towards the door.

"Alright, off you go." She said and the classroom was empty in seconds. Out of curiosity Korra sat herself back down at the desk and pulled out her phone. I'm not letting these kids be smarter than me. With that thought in mind, she typed in the method Hiro mentioned earlier and begun to work out question eight.


Kuvira looked up to the clock on the wall. Five minutes, it had been five minutes and Korra hadn't made an appearance. She knew Korra wasn't 'lost' it was obvious that the officer wasn't coming in to the staffroom. Her green eyes scanned over to Asami. The tall woman had her hands curled around a mug of coffee whilst she made small talk with a teacher Kuvira was yet to meet.

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