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Before you knew it, days had turned to weeks and you'd settled in at the compound. You still felt tip-toed around, but that was a given. They felt guilty for your dad's death, and nothing you could say could reassure them that you didn't blame them. 

On one particularly rough night, you decide to head to the kitchen at 3am for a drink. You turn the tap on and run your hands under the water, letting it drip down your arms. It's refreshing, and it brings a little bit of clarity to your mind. Switching the tap off, you lean over the countertop and look out the window. The night's calm, save for a few sudden gales of wind that rattle some trees and shake the leaves from their branches. You practice some of the breathing exercises Nat and Wanda taught you. In for 4, hold for 5, out for 8. 

You're halfway through your second count of 8 when a hand grips your shoulder and spins you around. 'And who might you be?' His face is so close to yours that it catches you off guard, and you forget to be wary of the danger that radiates from him. You look between his intense green eyes, and identify him as Loki Laufeyson. Clint might not have told you much about his work life, but he couldn't keep this from you. God of Mischief, the one who twisted your father's mind and rained an army of aliens down upon New York. 

Your senses return to you and you shove him away from you, conjuring a ball of energy in each palm. 'What the hell are you doing in here?' 

He smirks and steps towards you, taking your wrist and examining your power. Again, you find yourself too shocked to react. 'Now this is very interesting.' 

You snatch your hand away from him. 'I know who you are' 

'Good for you. I'd like to return the favour.' You frown at him. For somebody who's just been caught breaking and entering, he's awfully nonchalant.

You're about to sweep his legs from under him when another voice you've never heard before comes from the hallway. 'Brother? Stop making a racket; the mortals need sleep.' He strides in to the kitchen and stops in his tracks when he sees you, still holding the ball of energy inches away from Loki's face. 'What's going on here? I've never seen you around here before.'

You turn your face back to Loki. 'What? Brought more of your buddies to attack the compound because you couldn't finish the job in New York?' 

'I will tell you once and once only. Leave this place peacefully and no harm will come to you.' The stranger says, flipping his hammer up and holding it towards you. 

You eye him suspiciously in return. 'I don't think so.' You light your eyes up, hoping he's not all that good at combat. You've only ever used your powers to perform small acts, like making an egg float or switching on a lamp. Making the room shake was the most you'd ever done, and you couldn't control it.

Loki smiles as he looks between you and his brother. 'Oh come on, Thor. I like her, let's keep her.' He jokes, but 'Thor' doesn't seem amused. In the midst of his quippy retort, Nat charges in, still in pyjama shorts and an oversized t-shirt. She throws herself between you and Thor.

'What the hell do you two think you're doing?!' She yells.

You frown at her as if to say 'Isn't it obvious?' Thor does the same.

'This intruder is trespassing,' He explains to Nat. 

'I'm trespassing? I live here! You're the intruder!' You retract your powers and stare at Nat, dumbfounded.

'Y/n, meet Thor. Thor, meet y/n. Clint's daughter.' She gestures between the two of you. From the corner of your eye, you think you see a moment of sadness on Loki's face, but it's gone before you can question it. 

Realisation dawns on Thor's face, followed by confusion, then, finally, sympathy. 'Oh, my apologies. Please accept my condolences for your father.' He holds his hand out to you. 

'Hang on a minute,' You wave your hands and point to Loki. 'We like him? Why do we like him? He attacked New York. Even I know that.' Thor puts his hand down awkwardly.

Loki shrugs arrogantly. 'I've proven to be quite useful. Haven't I, Miss Romanoff?'

Nat rolls her eyes. 'We don't like him. We tolerate him. Having him here and being able to keep an eye on him is better than not knowing what he's doing. They went to Asgard after Clint disappeared. They've come back for his funeral.' 

You nod slowly. 'Oh. Um, my bad. I'm sorry.' The mention of your dad's funeral catches you off guard and you suddenly don't want to be there anymore. A sense of claustrophobia sets in and the walls are closing in on you, along with everybody's stares. 'I'm going for a walk.' 

'Y/n, it's three in the morning.' Nat tries to stop you, but you grab your jacket and stride past her.

'I'm not tired.' The moment you're out the door and the bitter outside air hits you, you let go. The past few weeks you haven't allowed yourself to feel it. The pain and disbelief that he's gone. The only person who you never kept any secrets from. The one who raised you, all alone. You'd never get another phone call telling you he's safe. You'd never have another argument about why you couldn't go to school or why he wouldn't tell you about his work life. He'd just gone. In a few sentences, you were completely and utterly alone. 

You direct a burst of your powers towards the ground to boost you up to the roof. Your dad liked it higher up; You feel closer to him here. In fact, when you look to your left, you see one of his quivers. He must have come up here for target practice. You cradle it in your hands and bite your jacket to keep you from crying too loudly. A dark figure silently sitting down next to you startles you so much you stop crying. 'What the-' 

'I liked your dad.' He says after a moment. From the tone of his voice and the silence of his presence, you guess it's Loki.

'What?' You're mildly miffed that he's interrupted you, but you can tell by the way his legs are folded underneath him and how his head's bent down that he doesn't mean to annoy you. He looks vulnerable.

'He was easy to be around. I'd insult him, he'd insult me. He was simple.' He directs his gaze out to the tree line, where a fox is scurrying in and out of some bushes. 

'I just miss him, you know?' You close your eyes as a gust of wind brushes your hair away from your face. 

You imagine it's daytime, and you're sitting in the woods watching your dad shoot some targets. He'd never let you practice or learn because he insisted that you'd never need to know how. 'You'll never come into harm's way, because you're never joining the Avengers,' He'd say. He taught you how to control your powers, but never how to use them. 

Whilst you're imagining this, Loki reaches out to touch your shoulder, but stops before you can see. He changes the subject. 'He told me about you, you know.' 

You open your eyes and frown at him. 'I thought he didn't tell anyone about me, especially you.'

'I'm offended, I'll have you know I'm very trustworthy.' He jokes. 

'Were they at least good things?' You try to keep up with his jokey tone, but you struggle and end up sounding desperate. 

'Brilliant things.' Simply, he replies. He sits with you for a few more minutes, before leaving just as silently as he'd came.

- Author's note -

Hey gang! I hope you're having a lovely day. If you're enjoying the story I'd really appreciate a vote so that other people can see it too :) I really appreciate you guys taking the time to read this <3

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