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For the next few days, you pretty much stay holed up in your room the entire time, whilst the others plan how to defeat Thanos. You're too embarrassed to interact with them, and you know that they most likely don't want you there for these discussions. You even try to stay out of Loki's way, much to his protests. All you can think about is what Tony said: That you'd risked not just your life, but the others' too, and you're ashamed. Even though you know they're more concerned than anything else, you can't help but feel like they're all pissed at you. So, at dinnertimes, you grab your food and take it straight to your room, feeling much like the stereotypical antisocial teenager. 

One afternoon, you're eating in your room, watching the final season of friends, when the light coming from your window disappears. You take a look out the window, assuming it must have been a cloud, but you see Thanos' ship towering above the city. 'Holy shit-' 

You throw your door open. 'Guys!!' 

'We've seen it!' Someone calls from the living room. You run in, and they're all suited and booted.

'No way. You're not coming,' Clint says firmly. 

'The hell I'm not.'

'Just this once, y/n. You can't fight him, not in this condition.' You look at Loki, betrayed. 

'Look I'm sorry, y/n, but we have to go. Now,' Nat says, grabbing her shock sticks and walking past you.

You quickly head to your room and start getting changed into your suit when you hear the door slam, whispers of red smoke locking the door. 'What the-' You try to open the door, but it won't budge. 'Wanda? Guys, let me out.'

'I'm sorry,' Wanda says.

'You'd just be another thing for us to worry about,' says Steve. 

'Guys, I swear to God, let me out!' Footsteps. 'Loki!' 

'I'm sorry, love.' 

'Don't you dare.' You kick the door, but it won't open. 'Loki!' You ram your knee into the lock, but it barely shakes. 'Bastards!' You guess it's been reinforced by Wanda or you're just a lot weaker than you thought.

You spend the next hour trying to get the door down without using your powers to no avail, when you hear a clatter in the hallway. You freeze. 'Jarvis?'

'Yes, miss?'

'Who's in the hallway?' You whisper.

'Everybody's still out of the building, miss Barton.' 

Your bones chill. 'Then who the hell's here?'

You take a breath, and use your powers to scope out the energy signatures in the building. You've sensed one like this before. Thanos. 


Out on the battlefield, the whole team's engaged in the fight. Steve cranes his head over the masses of fighters to look for Thanos, but to no avail. 'Does anyone have eyes on Thanos?!'

'I've got nothing,' Tony says, flying overhead.

Nat pauses fighting, throwing a baton out to her side and electrocuting a Chitauri. 'what if he's not here?'

Loki looks up at her in horror from the other side of the field. 'Y/n.'

'And we locked her in. She'd a sitting duck.' Clint runs over. 

'Wanda! Come with us!' Nat gestures to them.

They all rush off.


'Hello little one.'

You freeze at the sight of him, but come to your senses a moment later, and try to shut the door on him. 

He forces it open and you fall to the floor. 'The ship...' You start, breathless. 'It was a distraction to get me alone?'

He crouches down so you're eye level with him. 'And I think it worked quite nicely, don't you?'

You shake your head. 'They never listen to me. I'm always right but do they listen? No.'

'Come with me.' He holds his hand out to you. 

You get to your knees and take a step back. 'I'm not going anywhere with you.' 

He sighs. 'Always so unwilling.' He grabs your arm.

You try to escape his iron grip, pushing off him with your legs, but his hand simply tightens around your wrist. 'Let me go!' 

Through the window, you see Wanda, Nat, Clint, and Loki all running towards the compound. You picture them running in and fighting Thanos. Losing. Dying. You can't bear it. And there's only one real option left for you. 'I'm sorry,' You whisper, looking at the four of them.

You stop resisting Thanos and instead pull him in close to you, wrapping your arms around him. You muster all the energy you can, all the energy you have left in you, and you let it loose around the two of you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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