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It's been nice sneaking around with Loki. At nighttime one of you will sneak out and climb in to the other's bed, sometimes just to read together and other times to talk all night. He's less turbulent than he was when he was keeping that secret; You know how he's feeling or what he's thinking, either because you can read him or because he feels comfortable enough to speak his mind around you now. When somebody's annoyed him, he tends to get a bit tetchy, though you're getting better at snapping him out of it. At times it can be difficult to hide it from the others, like at dinner when somebody says something mildly offensive to you and Loki bites their head off for it, or like now, when they nearly walk in on you.

You and Loki are kissing, his hands wrapped round your waist and you leaning over the top of him. He's unbuttoning your blouse when there's a knock at the door. 'Y/n? Can we come in?' It's Nat.

You and Loki freeze and stare at each other for a moment. 'Shit,' You whisper, unsure what to do. 'Uh... Indecent! Give me a sec!' You shout at the door. Panicking, you shove him off the bed and he hits the floor with a thud.

He doesn't try to move from his new spot on the floor, but he lets out an annoyed, 'Ouch.'

'Oh, quit whining.' Louder, so the others can hear you, you button your blouse and call. 'Come in!' There are three of them at your door: Wanda, Nat, and Peter. 'Hey, guys. What can I do you for?' You say it a little too chirpily and Wanda tilts her head suspiciously at you.

'Hey, we were wondering if you wanted to come to the training room with us?' Peter asks. He's rubbing his hands together awkwardly, like he's too shy to be asking you.

Wanda adds, 'Yeah we thought it would be cool to see your powers in play.' They all look at you, the girls are sombre, patient, but Peter's doing a terrible job at hiding his excitement. As a physics enthusiast, he loves it when you use your powers: he's always leaving his coffee for too long just so that you can heat it up for him. He seems to think you don't know he does it on purpose, but you don't mind humouring him. 

You suck in a breath of air through your teeth, wondering how to phrase this. Other than for minor tasks like heating up Peter's drink, you don't like using your powers. When you use them you never feel in control. 'I don't know guys. The closest I've come to using my powers in combat was when I threatened you and Loki pissed me off. I'm dangerous.' As you finish your sentence, you feel two fingers emerge from under the bed, where the others can't see, and pinch the bottom of your leg. It's Loki, of course, telling you not to be a wimp and go with them. It really hurts, though, and you can't help the curse that escapes your mouth and your foot stamping on his hand.

Wanda does another characteristic head tilt. You're pretty sure it's habit at this point. 'You ok?'

'Oh, yeah, just a leg cramp, sorry.' You pretend to rub your leg.

'Ok...' Peter smiles suspiciously.

Changing the subject, Nat continues the conversation where you left off. 'We won't let you hurt anyone, we promise. What do you say?' She gives you a motherly smile, the one that's so hard to resist.

'I think you're underestimating my capabilities.' You raise your eyebrows at her, lighting your eyes up momentarily as you do so. From the corner of your eye, you see Peter give an amazed chuckle. It's contagious, and you smile too. Once again, Loki's hand snakes out and pinches your leg, harder than last time, except you were expecting it, so you mask your reaction with a pained smile. 'You know what? Let's do it.' Anything to get away from Mr Krabs over here. You add silently.

When you get down to the vast training room, it's empty, save for a few mats on the ground and a punching bag in the corner. Having been talked into it, you find yourself quite excited to see what you can do. You're confident that Wanda can stop you if you lose control. 'Show us what you can do,' Peter says. Although he sound relatively reserved, you know he's fighting the urge to bounce on the balls of his feet.

'Why don't we start with passive skills?' Nat starts. When you look at her absently, she explains. 'Don't change anything about the room, just pay attention to it. Tell us what you feel.' 

Nodding, you take a deep breath, close your eyes and listen to the energy in and around you. Next to you, you can feel your three companions: Wanda has the most energy, then Pete, then Nat. Wanda's energy is ever so slightly distorted, like you're staring at the fuzzy picture of an 80s TV screen. Around the room, there's nothing except for the bonds between the molecules and the slight peak in energy where the lights are. 

Now you try to survey the building. Like a microscope switching to a different lens, you pull your view out, expanding your world. The building's much busier than the training room. 'Thor, Steve and Tony are in the kitchen, but Thor's in the corner,' You tell them. 'Bruce is in the lab at the computer, and Loki's in his room.' Loki, of course, is not in his room, he's in your room, but you thought it was best to lie about that.

When you open your eyes, they all look impressed. 'Wait- how do you know who's who?' Peter asks. You laugh, it seems so simple to you.

'It's kind of like learning someone's voice. Some people have more energy, some people have more of a certain type of energy. Thor has the most, then Wanda, you, Loki, Steve, Nat. Bruce is weird- he has lots of energy but it's like I can feel there's more beneath the surface, it's just not as obvious as everyone else's.' You pull your sense back again and pay attention to the individuals in more detail. 'Thor is mainly electrical energy, obviously; Wanda, you're a lot of kinetic; Bruce is chemical potential; Peter's kinetic and chemical; Loki's kinetic; Steve's chemical; and Nat's chemical' You open your eyes to see them staring at you again. Nat's looking curious.

'And you? What's yours?' She asks. You bite your lip and try to focus on yourself. Nothing. 'I don't really... have anything.'

'That's impossible, you should have the biggest signature of all of us,' Peter counters.

You shrug. 'I'm not a store, I'm a source. I make what I need, I use what I make, so I've only ever got a signature when I'm doing something with my powers, if that makes any sense.'

'I don't think we're going to be understanding that anytime soon, so why don't you show us what you can do,' Nat suggests. Your heart skips a beat at the thought of using your powers destructively on purpose. You don't want to hurt them. 

Wanda sees your panic and takes your hand. 'I'll stop you if it gets too much.' 

Her reassurance is enough; you trust her. You nod, deep breath in. An imaginary rope coils round the bonds between the particles in the air around you, and snatches their energy. Clint always told you to be cautious of creating and destroying energy, as that messes with the natural order, so you always try to take it from something else. You use the energy to lift you up, like your floating on an invisible cloud. You tilt your head from side to side and crack your neck. Turning your focus to the lightbulbs, you splay your hands and watch as they dim, conjuring their light in your hands instead.

'That's so cool,' Peter says. He's walked up to you and is watching the light dance in your hands.

'This? This is just a light show, Pete.' You have another thought that you realise you haven't told them before. 'You know I technically don't have to eat either?'

'How come?' Wanda asks.

'Well you eat for energy right? So I can create my own. I'd never give up pizza though.' You throw the ball of light up in the air and throw it at the wall. It explodes in a burst of fiery reds and electric purples, like a firework. As much as you're enjoying showing off, you decide it's time to quit while you're ahead, feeling like your powers are becoming erratic and taking control of you. 'Ok. I think that's- I think that's enough for today.' You drop to the floor and head out.

Energy - Loki x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu