All that glitters

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One evening, Loki's sat in your bed, watching you change. Pervert. 'Why don't we just go?' He says as you pull your top over your bra. He looks a little disappointed.

You grown. 'Not this again, Loki. It's nonsensical.' 

'It's different this time, love. You may be better but the truth is that Thanos still has most of the power stone, and it's not going to take much to get the last bit.' You flinch a little at the thought of Thanos' return. 'We can leave and he won't be able to find us.'

'You don't know that.'

'It's worth a try.'

'Ok, yeah, so what happens if he finds us and it's you and me versus 5 infinity stones and his whole entire army.' You crawl into bed with him, straddling his legs. 'It just wouldn't work.'

'I just want to make you safe.' 

'I know you do. But I'm safe here, with Wanda and Thor and Bruce.' You stroke his cheek. 'Come on I'm beat.' You give him a kiss and get under the covers. In truth, you don't want to leave when you don't know what's going on with your powers. Anytime you use them, you get a nose bleed and they seem to be very inconsistent with their strength. Loki reaches over to switch the lamp off, and promptly passes out. 

You, on the other hand, can't sleep thinking about your powers. You need to know what's going on, and what their limits are. So, whilst Loki's sleeping behind you, one arm under your pillow and the other dangling off the bed, you get dressed into some old leggings and a baggy t-shirt and head down to the training room. 

'Come on, come on, come on.' You watch your fists light up and blast a target, hitting the bullseye. 'Yes!' You do a little celebration, and try another one. You hit the bullseye again. 'Why can I do this and not lift a bloody box of cereal?' 

You shake out your hands and legs and try hovering. You succeed for a few seconds, before hitting the ground with a thud. 'Fuck!' You roll over onto your back and stare up at the ceiling. You contemplate one of the lights for a moment. As you're trying to make it brighter, Nat walks in.


'Y/n? What are you doing awake?' She assesses you and the destroyed targets behind you, narrowing her eyes.

'Nat! Hi! I couldn't- I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd come down here train.' 

Well this is great. Let's lie to one of the best liars on the planet. 

She doesn't seem to have an issue with that excuse, however, and walks over to you. 'What's it like? Having them back?' 

'Yeah, yeah, great. I missed using them. Missed feeling people's energies'

She sits cross-legged opposite you. 'You ok? You seem off. To be honest, you've seemed off since you got them back.' 

You wring your hands out. Avoiding eye contact. Then you feel a nosebleed coming. 'You know what? I've just not been getting enough sleep. I think I'll head back to bed now. Night.' 

And you leave her there, dumbfounded, sitting on the floor. Your nose drips.

You rush back into your room and into the en suite, holding your head over the sink as your nose streams. 'What the fuck!' You whisper to yourself, reaching for the toilet paper without moving your head away from the sink. Of course you're used to the nosebleeds, but they've not been more than a few drips before this. This is different, it's not stopping. 'Jesus Christ.' 

You plug your nose with tissue and lean against the bathtub. You can't keep hiding this from everyone. Sooner or later, they're going to find out, and you're going to be fucked. 

You wait in the bathroom for a while, until you're sure it's stopped, and scrub the blood away from the sink, leaving no trace. Then you get back into bed with Loki, wrapping his arm around you. Everything's fine as long as you've got his arm around you. 


In the morning, Loki wakes you up gently. 'Morning, love.' You rub your eyes, dazed. 

'What time is it?'

'12:00,' He responds

'What!' You sit up too fast and bump heads with him. 'That late?' You ask, rubbing your forehead.

'First off, ouch. Second, I guess you were being serious when you said you were wiped.' 

You can't hide your face from giving away that you're tired because your powers aren't better, so you try and divert. 'I'm surprised Steve let me lay in this late without throwing the covers off me.' You know he does this from personal experience. Yes, you're still mad about it.

'As if I'd let him.' He pauses. 'Thor and I need to go to Asgard.'

You sit up straighter. 'What?' Once you're past the initial disappointment, you realise that it's probably a good thing. This way you don't need to try so hard to hide your depleting abilities. 'How come?'

'Some kind of family emergency. I don't really know much more than you, to be frank.' He sighs 'I don't want to leave you, but Odin doesn't ask twice.'

'Don't be silly I'll be fine, I understand. When will you back?' 

He tucks a stray hair behind your cheek. God, you probably look awful. 'A week at most.' 

'That's not so bad. Besides, I've got training to get on with.' Powerless training only. 

'Heimdall will be on the lookout for you, so if anything happens we'll come straight back.' He nods at you, almost as if he wants you to ask him to come back. 

You lean in close, so close that you can feel his breath on your face. 'And what if I just really miss you?' You kiss him once on the lips, and move so that your lips are by his neck. He angles his head away to expose his neck more, and you place a gentle kiss there. 

He sighs. 'Then Odin will have to wait.'

You pull away and place your hands on either of his cheeks. 'I love you.' 

'I love you too.' There's a pause, with the both of you simply appreciating each other's presence. He leans forward, and you decide to tease him and pull away, but he climbs onto the bed with you and traps you between the head board and himself. He kisses your lips, your neck, your collarbone... his hands move downwards...

'Brother? We have to go,' Thor says barging in.

Loki rolls over and buries his head into the pillow, groaning. You grin at Thor, as entertained by Loki's frustration as you are frustrated yourself. 'Hi Thor.'

'Hello Little Mortal.' 

'Your timing astounds me at times, brother,' Loki says snakily. 

He snakes out of bed, but before he gets to the hallway, he turns around. 'When I get back...' He begins, looking behind him. 'You... Me...' He mouths.

You giggle. 'Absolutely.' 

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