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A few weeks of successful sneaking around later, Thanos has called you to his throne room. Normally Loki would leave you to go alone so as not to risk Thanos' suspicions, but it's peculiar for Thanos to beckon you in the middle of the day. He usually only asks for your presence at dinner. So, concealed by the disguise of a guard, Loki heads down with you. When you arrive, you walk down a few stairs to the centre of the room whilst he stays at the door. You refuse to kneel in front of Thanos, but you do bow your head; he seems to get to the point quicker that way. 'Thanos.'

'Hello Little One. You must be wondering why I asked you here.'

'That has crossed my mind, yes,' You reply. He doesn't seem angry, so you don't respond with fear. Keep calm, you tell yourself. He can't know you've got something to hide.'Well, seeming as we've had quite a few conversations over the past month, I figure you're finally start to see my side of things,' He says. You bite back a scowl. You knew you'd been trying to suck up to him, but you're horrified at the thought of you coming across as a genocidal maniac. Just play along. It matters that he thinks you're on his side. 'I've had time to listen to what you have to say.'

'It's good that you say that. You've gained my trust.' He stands up and walks closer to you, and as he unfurls himself, you take in his huge frame. It's intimidating, being without powers and this near to him. From behind you, you feel Loki itching to kill him. As threatening as Thanos is, it's comforting having Loki there.

'Excuse me?' You ask, trying to keep your voice level.

He takes out a key fob from his pocket, which looks pathetic - almost comical - in his gigantic hands. 'I'm going to take these bracelets off now. Prove that I'm right in trusting you.' He touches the fob to your bracelets and they unlatch, falling to the floor with a clink that echoes through the chamber.

It takes a few seconds, but you feel your sixth sense rush back to you like a tsunami enveloping a city. It's the complete opposite to the feeling of your powers being stripped from you - it's not excruciating, it's euphoric. So busy revelling in the feeling of the energy around you, you're too distracted to suppress the power surrounding you and light tentacles flail around you like a lens flare. You can't help yourself, you turn to Loki, grinning and giddy. His expression is torn between awe and suspicion, almost as if this were too good to be true. You don't have time to decipher it or find the meaning behind it, instead you hop into the air, just enough so that you're level with his face and grab him by the neck, tightening enough to make him wince. At this sign of weakness, you give yourself a boost of energy and force him down to his knees. Somewhere behind you, you hear a shout of protest from Loki, but before you can figure out why, you fall to the ground with a painful thud.

Once more you can feel the energy around you dissipating, as well as your sixth sense retracting. Painfully. Thanos stands up, rubbing his neck and towering back over you. 'Oh, y/n. Did you really think I'd trust you?'

In between gasps, you force out your words. 'What did you do?'

He gets down on one knee and takes your chin in one massive hand, making you to look at him, as hard as you try not to. 'It was a test. You failed.' He clicks a button on the same key fob that released your bracelets and electricity courses through you. You'd tried to stand up again, but yet again you drop to all fours, screaming in pain.

Energy - Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now