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Thanos lets you sit in pain for a moment, before switching off the electricity flowing through you like a circuit and dragging you out of the room, letting you stumble behind him, He takes you through the whole ship, passing a few of his children multiple times, who give you ugly glares. Eventually, he reaches a door smaller than all the others and shoves you inside. It's no different in decor to the rest of the ship, only the essentials inside. One of his children, a cart with a few medical instruments and a surgical table with restraints hanging down the sides. You identify the person - if you could call him that - as Ebony Maw. You only know him because he was one of the ones to bring you your food. You mocked him once for bringing you food when he was so obviously capable of more. 'Thanos' bitch', you seem to remember calling him. You know you'll regret that.

When you see him holding a needle attached to an empty blood bag, you start to resist Thanos. 'No. Don't you touch me!' You use both hands to try to escape his grasp, but to no avail. 'What are you going to do ti me?' You ask, panicked by the needle.

'Seeming as I don't have your co-operation, and I need your abilities... I'm going to take them from you,' He explains.

You stop resisting, so confused by this that you have to stop and stare at him. 'I- What? That's impossible? You can't take someone's powers.'

'No, you're right. You can't.' He leans closer, and you pull back as much as he'll let you. 'Unless those powers come from an infinity stone.'

'Now hold on a minute. You're insane.' You have to chuckle a little to mask how fucking ridiculous this all is. 'You're delusional! A person can't be- I can't be an infinity stone!'

Thanos ignores your denials and protests and pushes you onto the table. He attaches to the restraints onto your right side and Ebony does the ones on your left. 'You'll feel a little prick.' He says mockingly and connects you to the device he's holding. At first you don't feel anything, until he presses a button and a whirring sound begins. It's so much worse than when your bracelets are attached to you. So much worse. It just in one place at first, where the needle is, but slowly it starts spreading up your arm, invading your chest and spreading its burning hot fingers down your legs, The sensation is pure fire, like when you touch the oven dish before its cooled down or when hot oil spits out at you, except it doesn't let up, instead it grows more intense with each passing second. A scream escapes you, but it feels detached, as if it's coming from somewhere else.

Ebony watches you squirm under the restraints for a moment, enjoying your pain, before he's given a look that tells him to leave. Once alone with you, Thanos leans down to your ear so that you can hear him over your screams. 'I didn't want to do this y/n. We could have figured out a way for me to use the power stone without taking it from you. Maybe you could have snapped. But you've forced my hand. It would've been so much easier if you'd have just joined me.' With that, he leaves the room, knowing you're in too much pain to try to escape.

The nine of them are stood around the laptop. Peter was the one who connected to the camera's feeds, but he left the room straight after. There was a pause whilst they waited for anyone else to leave. No one did. Now all they need to do is click play, but something's stopping them. 'This isn't going to be fun to watch. Are we sure we want to see? Maybe we should just go get her?' Thor suggests, though he seems more concerned with Loki's reaction to the footage than the actual footage.

Loki knows this is what Thor means, so he clicks the space bar before anyone can agree. They flick through the different locations, looking for the one that displays y/n. What hits them all, which they're all desperately trying to deny, is the distant screaming that's in all of the audios. It's clearly y/n. Some screams are louder than others, but they're there in all of them. Clint grips Nat's hand. It's a little painful, but she doesn't mind. It almost helps - grounds her. Finally, an image of y/n. Clint flinches away from it, whilst Loki leans forward.

She's laying down on a metal table, writhing. Thanos is nowhere to be seen. She's alone in there. They can't see a full picture of her, just the right side of her body and the empty room. Her screams are so awful, it brings a physical pain to all of them. All of them are familiar with pained screams. It's a feature in all of there lives. It's there wherever they all go. But it's different when it's someone close to you, and these don't just sound like physical agony. These are emotional agony, too. Wanda's covering her mouth with her hand, eyes welling up and starting to glow a little red. She turns around, but it won't stop the screaming. Loki's pulverised a section the chair he's holding on to, a pile of wood shavings forming at his feet. He's grinding his teeth so hard that Thor's convinced the muscle in his jaw's going to snap. 'What is he doing to her?'

'Punishing her,' Loki forces out. They keep watching, waiting for it to stop. When she calls out for Loki and Clint though, they can't take it. Guilt consumes Loki and he shouts for someone to turn it off. He'd do it himself, but he's paralysed. Clint's chair screeches across the floor, making everybody flinch. He starts to walk away, picking up his bow, which is propped up against the counter, and slinging it over his shoulder.

'Clint, where are you going?' Tony asks slightly patronisingly, assuming he's just walking off in a rage. They all stare at him.

'I'm going to get my daughter.'

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