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The compound's quiet. You're lounging on the sofa, reading with Loki across from you, staring up at the ceiling, hands folded together, forefinger tapping a rhythm on his opposite hand. He sighs and comes up behind you, leaning down and brushing your hair off of your neck, planting kisses in its place. His lips move up to your jawline, hovering just under your ear. You smile. 'We're home alone, you know,' He comments.

You decide to tease him a little. It's usually more fun that way. 'Oh really? I hadn't noticed.' A small growl rumbles in his throat and he snakes his arms round your neck, snatching your book from you and placing it on the coffee table.

'Is there anything you want to do to pass the time?' He insinuates.

You pretend to contemplate this. 'Hmm...' You stand up on your knees and lean over the arm rest to face him, wrapping your arms behind his neck and tugging him closer. 'Chess?'

'Very funny.' He moves his head closer and touches your lips to yours, gently at first, then more urgent. His hands run down your back to the back of your thighs, lifting you up over the sofa with ease. You comply and wrap you legs round his waist as he carries you backwards, giving in to the kiss. His lips move to your neck, and you use your hands to pull off his shirt. 

Then the building shakes. 

You both freeze, looking in the direction of the shake, then back to each other. He raises an eyebrow at you condescendingly. 'Y/n. When a man says rock my world, he doesn't mean it literally.'

You scoff and push yourself off his chest. 'It wasn't me, dickwad.' You head to the window and look out of it to see an explosion off in the distance. Loki joins you at the window. 'Isn't that where the others said they were going?' He asks.

'Oh, shit. We've got to go.' You run out to the roof, looking at him with a grimace. 'Do you trust me?'

Seeing your face, he suddenly looks nauseas, knowing your idea. 'Do I have a choice?'

'No, not at all,' You tell him. He sighs in response, and you guess that means do your worst. You've barely made yourself fly before, let alone someone else, but the others need your help. You conjure up energy from nothing and wrap it round him and yourself like a harness. It's pillowy at the bottom, so that he's got a buffer in case you drop him. Cautiously, you lift the two of you into the air and head off in the direction of the explosion.

You land at the site in seconds, where everybody's snapping necks and blasting the same aliens Loki used to invade New York. The Chitauri. You hadn't really thought through what would happen once you got here... You don't have time to think, you just run off to where it looks as though they need your help and let instinct take over. You use your powers as little as possible, mainly using basic moves that Nat's taught you, occasionally blasting away a Chitauri if it gets too close to an unsuspecting Avenger. 

As you look around at the chaos that's being rained down, you realise you're outnumbered. You have no choice but to give in to your powers. You look over to Nat and get her attention. She beheads a Chitauri and looks your way. 'Hey! You wanted to see what I was like in combat?' You charge yourself up, pulling your arms in close and filling the air around you with energy. 'Everybody get down!' 

As soon as all the Avengers have dropped, you release the pressure - like a balloon bursting - and fling your arms wide. A thousand shards of energy fly out from you and wipe out all the Chitauri in their wake, like a nuclear bomb levelling a city. You look up at the destruction you caused and stumble a little, before replenishing your energy. 

You smile and stare down at your hands. 'That was pretty awesome,' You whisper. The rush it gave you, releasing your powers so destructively was like a high. Intense and euphoric.

Energy - Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now