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You're standing on the edge, looking over the vast drop. Just below you, your dad is dangling, his only grip being the tips of his fingers. Inside, you're screaming, running to him, flying down and rescuing him, but outside, you can't move. He's yelling your name but all you can do is watch in silent terror as his fingers slowly lose their grip. To your right, a shadow appears, projected across the floor. It's huge compared to yours, almost double. Again, you try to turn to see this person's face, but you're stuck to the spot. Your only movement is a hot, petrified tear rolling down your cheek. 

After standing on the spot, spectating, for an awful 5 minutes, your feet break free. But, as you jump down to save your dad, it's too late. He's falling, falling, falling. You stagger back before you can see his body hit the ground and shriek his name.

And you're awake, heaving, screaming. You look around frantically, just to realise you're in your room, quiet and cold and empty, save for you. It's not dark though, you're surrounded by your light and your hair is standing on end. You let go of a singular sob, burying your face in your hands. You pull your covers off you to head to Loki's room. It's all you want, not to wake him, but to enshroud yourself in his iron grip and not move till the sunlight greets you and the inevitable loneliness of the night has left. He beats you to it.

'Y/n!' He shouts, before bursting into your room, a sleek dagger in hand. He looks around frantically, assuming there's some danger. He turns to you when he comes up with nothing. 'I heard you scream. What happened?'

You crumple, walking towards him for a hug. Unfortunately, though, there are more people at your door before you can get there. Everybody. Bruce, Tony, Steve, the lot. How embarrassing. What's worse? They're all suited up. Peter's masked face survey's your room and sees there's no threat. Loki looks at you, forlorn.

'What's happening?' Wanda sees your tear-stained face and the red clouds in her hands disappear. 'Are you ok?' You sit back on the bed and wipe your face.

'Yeah, it was just a nightmare. I'm sorry guys.' You don't want to look at their pitying faces, so you watch your hands, massaging your palm with your thumb. Wanda comes to sit next to you, leaning down so that you can see her.

'Your dad?'

You nod. 'I didn't mean to wake you up, I really am sorry.'

Bruce peeks his head out from behind the others. 'Do you want someone to stay with you?' He asks. He knows how to deal with your nightmares, he gets them too. Sometimes you'll find him in the kitchen at 3am, avoiding sleep. When you do, it's usually because you're avoiding it too, and you join in on whatever mundane task he's doing. A few times you've both agreed to take shifts sleeping, watching the other and waking them when a nightmare begins. 

'I'll stay with her,' Loki chimes in. Everybody looks at him, confused, including you. Normally he's cold to you when others are around, but he can't seem to wipe the look of concern from his face.

'Yeah, right, Loki. You're probably the last person she wants to be with,' Steve chastises. Obviously he only meant to protect you, but it stings to see him insult Loki. Loki does manage to replace his expression with an icy glare, shooting daggers at Steve, but he knows he needs to keep up the charade.

'I can stay,' Nat offers. You're not so bothered by this, you enjoy Nat's company, even though nothing can substitute for Loki's. You nod, forcing a smile, and she drops her shock sticks to walk over to your bed.

Wanda gets up and places a kiss on your head. 'Try and get some sleep,' She says before leaving with the others.

'Night, y/n,' Peter says sympathetically.

Loki hesitates at the hallway, watching you watching him. He mouths 'I'm sorry', knowing you're disappointed, then disappears into the hallway. Nat settles in to the left side of the bed and you take the right. She stretches her arm out for you to rest your head on her shoulder.

'I know it doesn't feel like it right now, but it'll get better. I know what it's like to lose a loved one, and it's the most painful thing in the world but it gets better, I swear.'

In the morning, tired and cranky, you head to the kitchen for coffee. Nat only fell asleep an hour before you woke up, watching over you worriedly, so she's lying in. In the kitchen, Loki's there. You walk straight past him, not saying a word, but noting the purplish bags under his eyes. He frowns and walks up behind you, bringing a cautious arm up to your cheek so that you look at him. 'Y/n? Are we good?'

'Yeah, of course,' You say unconvincingly. You touch your fingers to his under eyes, where the bruise-looking marks are. 'Why do you look so tired?' Trying to change the subject, you ask. It's a bit of a dig, you'll admit. 

He moves his hand to where you touched his face, as if expecting to feel something. 'I stayed up after I left your room in case you had another nightmare.'

You make a face, turn back to the coffee pot and pick up a cup. 'How come? You would've stayed with me if I'd had two? One's not enough?'

'That's not fair.'

You shake your head. 'I'm sorry. I just needed you last night is all, I'm not mad.' Making sure no one's around, you put your mug down on the counter and walk into him, burying your face in his marble chest.

'I thought we were on the same page about keeping this a secret?' He whispers, craning his head to look at you. You detangle yourself from him.

'We are, I understand.' You stroke his cheek. 'It's just hard sometimes, you know?' He looks at his feet, frustrated with himself, nodding. 'Look, I'm gonna go take a shower.'


You chuckle and roll your eyes as you walk away. 'You're so clueless. Join me if you want.' That'll reassure him you're not mad. His sad face is replaced by the regularly scheduled arrogance. You run to the shower, giggling as he chases you. It's impossible to stay mad at him. Especially not when he looks like that.

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