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One evening when Loki's away, you sneak out to the training room again. You don't know what you're trying to achieve, but maybe with some wishful thinking your powers will have magically restored themselves.

'Heimdall, I swear to God if you snitch on me to Loki, I'm gonna come up there and beat you with my shoe.' You pause. 'Deadass.' In case he didn't know you were being, well, deadass.

You spend most of the time hitting targets. You try hovering again and it actually goes ok. No crash landings. The lightbulbs come on and off as you wish, and no signs of any nosebleeds. 

You try not to get too excited, but you smile a little to yourself. You must be getting better. You do a little dance and decide to reward yourself with bed-time. You grab your jacket and head out. 

Whilst walking down the hallway, you hear someone in the kitchen, and try to walk past without them noticing you, but you don't manage to. 'Y/n?' 

You pause, hoping there's another y/n and they might not have spotted you, but when only silence comes, you accept that you've been made. You step through the doorway, smiling. 'Heyy Wanda. Didn't see you there.' 

She's got her head over a huge pot of something that smells delicious. She's stress cooking. 'What were you doing in the training room?' She asks, eyeing you suspiciously.

'Training,' You respond simply, hoping she'll just take it at face value. 

'At 1 in the morning?'

You put your hands on your hips. 'What are you doing in the kitchen at 1am, hm?' 

There's a tense silence between you for a moment, before she gives in and grins. 'I won't tell if you don't.'

You wink at her and head back to your room. You throw your jacket on the bed and go to turn your shower on, but whilst you're waiting for it to heat up, you're hit by a wave of dizziness. 'What the f-' 


'Y/n?' There's a hand on your cheek, gently patting you to get you to wake up. Still not in a conscious state, you bat it away. 'What the hell was that?' You blink away the darkness and Wanda's worried face comes into view in front of you. 

You sit up, realising what she's just walked in on. 'Oh...' You breathe. 'I think I just stood up too fast.' 

'Then why is your nose bleeding?' 

Your eyes widen. Oh shit. You wipe it away but it's too late. 

'Why do I feel like you're not being completely transparent with me?' 

'It's nothing, Wanda, really. It just happens sometimes.' 

'I think we should wake Bruce up...' She goes to get up and leave, but you grab her wrist. 'Ow! Y/n-'

'You can't tell the others.' You mean to sound pleading with her, but your voice comes out firm, harsh. 

'What the hell is going on with you? What aren't you telling us?' 

'I'm fine, Wanda.' 

She loosens your grip from her arm. 'I'm just worried about you is all.' 

Your chest tightens. You didn't mean to sound so harsh. 'I'm sorry. I just don't want to worry the others over nothing. They've worried about me enough.'

She nods, and leaves without another word.


The next day, you get back from a run to find the kitchen empty, as well as the living room, and the training room. 'Guys?' You call out. No response. 'Jarvis? Where is everybody?' 

'They're waiting for you in the briefing room, miss' 

You frown. 'Thank you, Jarvis.' 

When you get to the meeting room, they're not all pissing about like normal. They're sombre. The silence is loud. 'What's this all about?' You say, laughing nervously.

'The serum didn't work, did it?' Your dad says, cutting right to the point.

You stare at them all, dumbfounded. 'What? Why would you-' And then your gaze flicks to Wanda, who is looking exceedingly guilty. 'You told them?' You can't help but take a step back, needing to put distance between you and the situation. 

She shakes her head. 'Turns out I'm not the only one who's seen something like that happen to you.' 

'You got a nosebleed and tried to hide it from me,' Steve contributes. Your eyes widen as you realise there's no denying this. They know.

'Same thing here. And Wanda and I have both seen you in the training room in the middle of the night,' Nat says. 

'Your powers stopped working mid flight,' says Tony, with Peter nodding along, not able to make eye contact with you. 

You shake your head, willing this conversation away. 'I don't need this right now.' You stumble back, grabbing the doorknob to leave, but your hand gets webbed to the door. 'The hell, Pete?!' 

'I'm sorry, y/n.'

'You're not going anywhere until you talk to us,' You dad says, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. 

'This is bullshit. Yeah, ok, so my powers have been a bit off lately. They still work. It's not a big deal.'

'That's not just some secret you keep, y/n!' Tony exclaims, slamming his hand on the table. You flinch. 'What if we'd been on a mission and you'd gotten hurt? Or someone else did?' 

You fight back the tears in your eyes. 'Lay off it, Tony. I'm having a hard time, ok?' Your voice cracks. 

'Then talk to us,' Nat begs. 

'Fine! Ever since Thanos took my powers it's like there's been this whole in my chest that I just can't fill, and I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to be treated like a child again!' 

Steve opens his mouth to say something, but you cut him off. 'No, there's nothing you can say. Either Thanos is going to come back for me and he's going to take the rest of my powers, and I'll die, or he won't come back then I'll just die anyway because he quite literally has half my life source. So no, I'm not ok.' 

They're all silent for a few moments, in shock from your outburst. When you realise they have nothing left to say to you, you shake your head. 'Forget it.' You use your powers to burn off Peter's webbing.

'Honey, where are you going?' Clint asks. 

'Out,' You say. You wipe off your bloody nose right in front of them and walk right out.

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