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After Tony walks off, you and Loki stare at each other in shock for a moment. After snapping back to reality, he pulls your arm over his shoulder and helps you out of bed. Together, you head into the living room. Everybody else is gathered there, too.

Your dad's sat on the sofa bouncing his leg, jaw clenched. 'I swear to God, Tony, if you're giving us false hope I'm going to kick your arse.'

Loki bends down so that you can take a seat on one of the chairs at the dining table, leaning on the back rest to pay attention to Tony.

Tony scoffs. 'It's adorable that you think you'd be able to.'

You lift a very shaky arm and wave it as best you can. 'Hey guys. Polite reminder that I'm quite literally dying here. Put the rulers away.' Loki rubs your back.

'Right.' He takes a bite of something he had stashed away. 'So you remember when Cap was a string bean and then dad gave him the wicked steroid injection?'

'They weren't steroids,' Steve mumbles, shifting in his seat. Nat chuckles and pats him on the shoulder. 

Tony ignores him. 'Yeah but the formula was lost.' You frown. You're a bit too weak to deal with Tony's riddles right now. 

He smiles at you. This is gonna be good. 'Incorrect.' He slides something out of his pocket and hands it to you. 'Dad liked his secrets.' 

Clint takes it from Tony before you can, which is probably a good thing, as you most likely would have dropped it. He inspects it and gives Tony a severe but hopeful look. 'This can save her?' His voice is desperate, as if he's begging Tony to say yes. 

Tony takes a deep breath. 'Well, if Bruce is right about why she's sick then yes. If this doesn't work blame him.' Bruce goes to object but no noise comes out. He just shrugs and inspects the cupboard for snacks. 

Clint makes eye contact with you, and a feeling blossoms in your chest. It's been so long since it was there last that it feels foreign. Hope. You allow yourself to smile at your dad and he ruffles your hair. You notice that Loki's grip on your shoulder's gotten tighter. 

'Well then, what are we waiting for?' You croak. 


Everybody's gathered in the lab with the herculean machine that transformed Steve all those years back. You're very aware that you've been awake for longer than has been possible for the last few days, so you're putting almost all of your weight on Loki. He doesn't mind. He's too busy eyeing the intimidating machine.

'What if this doesn't work?' He huffs, eyes flicking between yours. 

You squeeze his hand. 'What other choice do I have?'

'I'll be right here.' He says as Nat and Tony help you into the machine.

Bruce pipes up from behind. 'Actually, Loki? You should probably step back.'

You can't see Loki's glare, but it's withering enough that Bruce (the actual literal Hulk) takes s step back. 'I'm a God, you pathetic man. Your earth technology can't hurt me.'

 You sigh, too exhausted to listen to him and Bruce fighting. 'Loki, please.' 

'Fine.' He walks over to you and places a kiss on your forehead and looks into your eyes. 'You'll be ok. You'll get better.' 

You're not sure whether he was saying that for himself or for you, but it made you feel safer regardless. 

'Ok,' You say, 'I'm ready.'


Author's note:


Had a two years writer's block there lmfaoooo but I've not been able to stop thinking about this recently so I thought I'd give it a go.

Bit of a short one but just you wait for what I've got planned ;)

Love you dearly <333

D x

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