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Two weeks later, you've been stuck in the same dank room, being fed the same pathetic excuse for a meal every day. A child, and once Thanos himself, would come through the door and place the tray at the end of your 'bed' then leave as silently as they came. The first few days, you tried to get out or fight, but you soon learnt that all of Thanos' children had some form of abilities that, without your powers, you couldn't compete against.

Today, you're staring up at the ceiling, twiddling your thumbs when the door opens. At first you ignore it, but when you see the behemoth silhouette, you know it must be Thanos, you turn your head to him. 'What the hell do you want? Don't you have better thing to be doing than delivering my-' You try to point to your usual dish of porridge, but his hands are empty. 'What are you doing?'

'It appears your buddies have appeared to rescue you. You need to tell them to leave.' As always, his face is stoic, tone dull. This man - if you can call him that - could be talking about the creation of the universe and sound bored.

You swing your legs round the block so that you're sitting up, facing him. 'Now why would I do that?' You give him an arrogant smirk, inherited from your time with Loki, and tilt your head. You know you have the upper hand for the first time in weeks. Or at least you think.  

'Because. Only one person is leaving this ship today and it's you or your father.' 

Your smile drops, your face hardening. 'You'll let him go?'

'Despite what you might think, I'm a man of my word.' He steps aside in the doorway, inviting you to leave.

'Alright.' You push yourself off the metal block and head past him down the hallway. 'Let's go.' He follows close behind.

When you get to the throne room, Nat and Loki are stood about a hundred metres away from you. The relief that hits you when you see Loki catches you off guard; You know you'd be happy to see him, but this is different. After two weeks of being trapped in the same cold, boxy room, you didn't realise how much you'd missed him. Whilst you do well at concealing your relief, he does not. He takes such a deep breath out, you can see his chest fall even from where you are. His muscles relax and his head bends slightly to hide his smile. Nat, on his right, relaxes too, but not so much that she doesn't notice your seeming lack of caring. Her brows furrow as she switches her focus from Thanos to you. After he's gathered himself again, Loki manages to get out a calm and collected, 'Hello, love.' Another wave of happiness hits you upon hearing his voice, so familiar.

'Let her go,' Nat says, glaring at Thanos. 

Instead of replying himself, Thanos looks at you expectantly. You take a breath and steel yourself. 'You both need to leave.' 

Of course, Nat was already suspicious of how you were acting, but she obviously wasn't expecting this reaction from you, because she pulls her head back and does a double take. Loki's smile just drops. 'I beg your pardon?' He asks, leaning forward to hear you better.

You struggle to think of a reply, not wanting to feign harshness, but are saved when one of the only two doors leading to the room opens. Clint comes out with one of Thanos' soldiers, legs dragging behind him as he splutters. Nat staggers back, and you can hear her gasp from here. She blanches and looks like she's seen a ghost, which, in essence, she has. Loki simply frowns and looks back to you for answers. 

Clint looks better than he did two weeks ago, but he still looks rough, fading bruises splashed across his face and down his arms, no doubt all along his chest and back too. 'Y/n, what's going on?' He asks, voice raspy. 

You ignore him. Aware that Loki would never agree to what you're about to say, you face Nat. 'Take him and get out of here.' You instruct, but your reply obviously isn't enough, because Thanos coughs pointedly. 'And don't come back.' You add. Loki, as you suspected, is not happy about this. He cuts in.

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