Chapter 10: I'm sorry I lied.

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Out of no where, a field of energy surrounds the same area Emerson and Fiore were an hour ago.


Fiore: OK, tell me what's going on!

Emerson: OK, *sigh* You see I'm not a non-binary weirdo. I'm a male. The Proton Shot ability was just an artificial one and my real power was Energy Manipulation. I'm a tier 15.

Fiore: But why would you hide this from me?

Emerson: You see, not too long ago Ember wanted me for my ability. I had to hide, I moved out of my hometown, called myself non-binary and gave myself a different ability. I chose non-binary because I couldn't stand to be gay or transgender, that's not who I am.

Fiore: OK then, what's your real name then? It can't be Emerson.

Emerson: You actually got my name right, that is my real name.

Fiore: No way.

Emerson: I'm sorry I his this from you. I was going to tell you sooner but didn't trust myself.

Fiore: Well we all have secrets don't we.

Emerson: Hm?

Fiore: *uses energy to remove hair dye from her hair* You see, I lied too. My hair is not naturally a bright color.

 My hair is not naturally a bright color

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Emerson: That's not as bad Fiore. That's not even a secret.

Fiore: It is once you look at it.

Emerson observes it, there's blue streaks in her hair like his. Blue or any color streaks are caused by Energy Manipulation.

Emerson: Wait, you have the same ability as you?

Fiore: Yeah, I do. I'm a 8. I too injected myself with a faux ability.

Emerson: Why though?

Fiore: Same reason.

Emerson: Wow, that's so interesting huh?

Fiore: Wait, does this mean were related?

Emerson: No, Energy Manipulation is not hereditary. It happens when a family all has no ability or has the same ability.

Fiore: Well, my family is full of Time users.

Emerson: Mines all cripples. Its stance that you have it too. Energy Manipulation only occurs one a generation and here we are, two of em. There is recorded evidence of two energy users in the past but the never meet because they live in opposite sides of the world and here we are dating.

Fiore: Yeah. Wait, does this mean I can use male words like he and him instead of they and it.

Emerson: Of course, They and It irratate me anyway, they sound like flea names.

Fiore: Ha they do.

Emerson: Well, do you wanna forget about what just happened earlier and gone one our first date maybe?

Fiore: Yeah sure. Just one more thing.

Emerson: What?

Fiore: Will you be king?

Emerson: I am now, I just dethroned Blyke.

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