Chapter 50: Her Darkest Turf War

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- One week later, Wellston High -

Fiore was cleaning her face with water in the bathroom. She was still a sobbing mess but again she didn't want to embarrass herself. Early, Emerson's phone got a notification for the first time in a week and it was from his mom. It was text meant for Fiore telling her that the funeral was in a month.

She hated her so much for reminding her and almost smashed the phone until she realized who it had previously belonged too.

She walked out looking angry as hell. Today she was wearing his ( Not a typo, I did say "his" ) usual outfit. Blue hoodie and black jeans. She looked tomboy as hell but she didn't care, she was anyway.

Blyke has been promoted back to his position as King but he was not happy with that, knowing what it meant.

Blyke walked up to her just to remind her something.

Blyke: I'm sorry to bother you, I know you probably don't want to hear this but we have a Turf War in a hour. I wish we could skip it but we can't.

Fiore: Its OK. I'll go, thanks.

She secretly still wanted to hurt somebody even after a week so this was her chance.

Blyke gave a sad expression and walked away, during Arlo's time at Wellston he made it seem that the hierarchy was more important than people but now that mindset was long gone. He would much rather be the Jack again then to be King and have his friend die.

Fiore opened Emerson's former locker and found his fingerless gloves in it. She put it on her hoping that his spiritual energy would aid her in battle.

- 1 Hour later, Turf location -

It was Agwin again, though the hierarchy was very different compared to the roster in Arlo's time.

It had consisted of Zen-King, Luna-Queen and Vex-Jack.

Zen: Oh alright let's get this fight started, Wellston.

Zen noticed that Isen was back in the roster. Blyke was restored as King.

Luna: Hey, what happened to that Emerson kid we heard of? Wasn't he super powerful?

Zen: Yeah, what happened to him? Either he defeated him or he left. Or worse.

Fiore clenched her teeth in anger.


Blyke: Fiore, there are simply asking questions.

Fiore: Shut up red toothpaste!

Vex: So who's going first?

Luna: I can go.

Blyke: Then you will be my opponent.

Ability: Mental Scrambler
Level: 6.1

Ability: Moon Projectile
Level: 5.9

Ability: Dark Blade
Level: 3.2

Vex: Wellston's King vs Agwin's Queen, BEGIN!

Blyke stranded his ground as Luna shot a mini moon at him, he countered it with a red energy beam.

Blyke: He he sorta of like star wars, lasers blowing up moons!

Luna: Wait until you see my next trick.

Luna rapidly fired even smaller moons at a rapid pace, Blyke endured the hit but not very good. He started dashing with his beams shooting out of his hands and made multiple shots on his fingers at her, injuring her instantly.

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