E L I J A H M I K A E L S O N (1)

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 Before this imagine starts I just wanna let you know that you're Stefan and Damon's little sister and you're also a vampire. 

Being the little sibling of the two Salvatore brothers is not the easiest thing in the world. You always have to save their asses, keep them from killing each other, and so much more.

For example, today Damon wanted to kill Bonnie, your best friend, the reasons? Nobody knows.

 But you don't care. 

The cutoff point is when someone tries to kill Bonnie. You didn't care that it was your brother either. 

You got out of your pitch-black car, slammed the door shut, and stomped to the boarding house.

 You were about to open the door when it opened by itself. 

A handsome man in a suit stood in front of you and looked down at you. 

"Can I go through for a moment?" You said impatiently and tried to walk past him. 

But he blocked the way and said calmly, but a bit annoyed: "I am an original vampire, show a little respect." 

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mister Urvampir, could I step into this beautiful living quarters to give my brother the wonderful Damon a lecture?"you asked just as calmly as he did and he made enough space for you so you could walk past him.

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Silas, Stefan, or Tom? ->

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