K O L M I K A E L S O N (2)

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Kol after you had broken up with him

You told him that you wanted to break up with him because he kept so many secrets from you.

And after you did, you left, just like that.

Of course, Kol was heartbroken, I mean, you, his soulmate, his one true love, broke up with him. He was spending the rest of the day alone in his room. He was sitting on his bed the entire time, a glass of whiskey on his nightstand.

"Kol, you have been in your room all day long," Rebekah stormed into his room and saw her brother lying devastated on his bed. 

Kol got up, grabbing the glass of whiskey. "So?"

Rebekah rolled her eyes, "Tell me that this is not about Y/n."

"Don't mention their name!" Kol yelled and crushed the glass so that it shattered into pieces.

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