E L I J A H M I K A E L S O N (2)

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"Elijah!" someone called out. It was Rebekah. She was looking for her oldest brother everywhere in the house, unfortunately without any luck. She was standing, cluelessly where Elijah may be, in one of the many hallways of the house.

"What do you want, sister?" Elijah replied and walked up the stairs to see his younger sister waiting for him in front of his room door. 

"I thought you were - never mind. I only wanted to tell you the news."

"What news are you talking about, exactly?"

"Your dearest lover got kidnapped, just to annoy you. Unbelievab-"

"Earnestly?" he asked furiously. The blonde-haired female nodded and in a blink of an eye, Elijah was gone, on his way to save you.


As Elijah had arrived where he had heard your soft voice screaming for help, men were already awaiting him. "Now, this is not fair, is it?" he asked and was suddenly surrounded by several men. But the Original managed to shut each and every single one of them down.

"Y/n?" he called out and walked around the building.

"Elijah?! I'm here!" you answered. Elijah has found you, shortly after. When you asked him, how he'd been able to find you so quickly he answered, "Your heartbeat, Y/n." And he pointed at your heart, which was beating faster than usual when Elijah kissed you passionately.

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What season is your fav? Me: probably 3 and 6

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