Chapter 45: On the Effects of Sappy Texts on the "Cold War"

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After two days of peace, all members in the police station blew up this day because of the latest news, and they were all talking unceasingly.

【Zhao Yong, the former bureau chief of S City's Planning Bureau, stands trial on suspicion of corruption

Zhao Yong's final verdict was: In view that, because of Zhao Yong's investigation, he took the initiative to openly confess the facts of part of his crimes, proactively returned the spoils, had a rather good repentant attitude, and returned the large part of the stolen money before the incident while the rest of the money was also recovered, the court was lenient in his punishment.】

The grumpy Brother Zhang threw the newspaper and was hopping mad. "Fuck, isn't this the corrupt official we arrested last week? Who's defending him?"

On the side, Sister Yao shook her head. "I don't recognize him. It's a new lawyer surnamed Qi."

"Yeah, I already know of this matter. I thought that he's such a big official, but the one he requested wasn't a famous lawyer, but a newcomer. At that time, I was really happy! Fancy that I thought he'd lose this time to the point of not being able to turn his body. But who'd have thought, ai..." Little Yang sighed and also joined the gathering.

"Defending a sacked official isn't simple. The case is big and the energy invested is really great. I have read some people's comments and it's said that the rookie lawyer surnamed Qi did quite well," Sister Yao said.

"Hey, which side are you trying to help? We had a hard time arresting Zhao Yong. That also took a lot of effort, okay?" Brother Zhang ground his teeth and hatefully said.

"......" Sister Yao nudged up her glasses and said nothing.

Everyone was in the same office. The sound of their discussion certainly spread to Wei Han and Jiang Chengrui on this side.

Jiang Chengrui patted Wei Han's shoulder and whispered, "Silly Han, Brother Zhang and them, the rookie lawyer they're talking about wouldn't be..."

"Don't ask, it must be." Sitting next to the two people, Shao Yi also came over and put his head together.

Wei Han pursed his lips, took his cell phone and stood up. "Little Jiang, I'm going outside to make a call. Help me watch it here for a bit."

Guessing eighty percent that Wei Han wanted to give Qi Zhifan a call, Jiang Chengrui nodded. "Yeah. Silly Han, if you have something, don't stifle it in your heart. Just ask him clearly."

"I know."

Although knowing that the rookie lawyer was surnamed Qi and should be Qi Zhifan, Wei Han still wanted to call and confirm. When the call was answered, Wei Han went straight to the topic and explained the situation briefly.

"Yeah, it's me." At that end, Qi Zhifan's voice was somewhat indifferent, but even more exhausted.

"Odd Trouble, why did you..."

There was still a pile of work on hand. Qi Zhifan didn't listen any further and directly interrupted Wei Han, "Before sentencing, he's only a criminal suspect. Therefore, he also has the rights granted by law. When he is sentenced, then he's a criminal. It's also justice for me to defend the officials and to ensure that the legal rights conferred by the law are safeguarded. I think you should also know that this is my work."

"......" Wei Han was suddenly somewhat unable to respond. They both came from S Uni's Law Department. Wei Han also roughly understood some of the work of lawyers.

Qi Zhifan's professional level and political quality were quite excellent, so the scope of practice was also very wide. There were companies and enterprises' investment financing, restructuring of assets and other businesses, but also property management, engineering reduction, and other fields. Of course, his focus was still on defending criminal cases, especially cases related to abuse of political power.

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