Chapter-3: Fox that tricks the Wolf

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Seungmin opened his eyes and he saw Minho was still sleeping beside him. Talking had awakened him, the usual blond hair he smelled when he woke up was nowhere near to be seen.

When he groggily looked around, squinting his eyes he saw Felix, talking with a stranger at the river bank. Looking closer, he saw the stranger had sharp features, yet his smile made him look warm and his dimples made him look adorable.

He stood up and sleepily walked to them, struggling to keep an eye open, and his throat was dry due to him just waking up.

"Felix?", he called out in his morning voice.

The mentioned boy looked at the sleepy Seungmin and smiled.

"Ah you have awakened? Good morning~", Felix greeted in the cutest way.

Seungmin just nodded slightly and focused on the stranger.

"Who might this be?", he asked, his vision starting to clear as he closed his eyes hard, and opened it.

"Oh right I need to introduce you. Seungmin, this is Jeongin. He resides in the nearby kingdom and was just visiting the outskirts, like us!"

The new face, who now was recognized as Jeongin, stood up and bowed in front of Seungmin.

"Greetings! My name is Yang Jeongin and I live over there! In the other kingdom! Nice to meet you!", Jeongin said enthusiastically, and when he stood straight you could see gems on his teeth making him look adorable.

Seungmin caught himself staring, but caught himself and quickly introduced himself as well.

"The feeling is mutual. My name's Seungmin. The one sleeping over there like a cat napping is Lee Minho.", Jeongin looked over to where Seungmin was pointing at, his smiley face faltering and his eyes holding a sparkle but he quickly smiled happily again.

"Since you've been talking to Felix I'll guess you already know his name.", Jeongin then nodded.

"I was talking to him about this– camp thing we're doing", Felix said, winking at Seungmin to send his signal which the latter got, "and I was asking him whether he knows any good inns nearby.”

Seungmin nodded slowly, "So do you by chance know any good inns?"

The boy then smiled wildly again, making Seungmin wonder if his cheeks hurt.

"Ah yes! I do! There's this inn nearby owned by one of my relatives! I recommend going there! In fact,I was just heading there! I can show you the way..", Jeongin, once again zealously, said, but became a bit shy seeing as he had been rambling.

"..if you want to, that is", he looked down and played with his fingers, and Seungmin only found him more adorable. He slowly smiled.

"Of course we do! We're so glad we found you,Jeongin! Otherwise God forbid we would have had to spend our nights on the cold hard ground", Felix said dramatically, causing Jeongin to smile again.

They heard someone mumbling incoherent words and looked at Minho, who was staring at them with his eyebrows furrowed, squinting his eyes.


"Oh hey finally awake sleepyhead? Come on and freshen up. We, are going with this cutie to his relative's inn.", Seungmin told the sleepy boy petting Jeongin's head, who let him without complaint.

After they got ready, refreshed and stretched, they went their way. Jeongin leading them.

"So, Jeongin? Right?", Minho asked, finally bored enough to talk to the new addition.

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