Chapter-20: Guests

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Hyunjin sniffed the familiar scent that calmed him down, and he slowly woke up. He breathed in the scent again, his eyes opening slowly. At first he wondered what that hair in front of him was and almost went haywire, but he realised it was just Seungmin.

He breathed a sigh of relief. Then he wondered how Seungmin got in his arms.

“Oh right.. maybe I did it subconsciously again..”, he yawned.

“Wouldn't hurt to sleep more I guess...”

And with that, he drifted to another deep slumber.

Seungmin shifted, and turned around. He hugged the pillow and snuggled in it. But wait- why was his pillow..breathing??

He slowly opened his eyes, trying to see what it was. Then when he was more conscious than before, he felt the pair of arms around him.

“What the actual- Oh right”

He looked up at Hyunjin who was still deep in sleep. He stared at the familiar god sculpted face, he looked ethereal even when he was just sleeping.

Seungmin admired the face he woke up to for a while, before his hand lost its manner and tried to touch Hyunjin's face.

Hyunjin wondered if Seungmin would actually touch his face. Yes, he was awake, ever since Seungmin woke up and started staring at him like a little kid looking at something shiny.

“You like the view, pup?”, he questioned almost mumbling. He opened his eye and looked at Seungmin and he smiled.

Seungmin gasped. Oh my god he was awake-

He retracted his hand quick as he could.

His face flushed, and he couldn't even bring himself meet Hyunjin in the eye. God, how embarassing..

“I-I guess so..”, he mumbled.

Hyunjin, though a bit taken aback, smiled softly at the cutely shy Seungmin in his arms. He softly swiped Seungmin's hair with his nose as he smiled.

“I'm glad then. How 'bout we get up now?”, he questioned stretching his shoulders.


Seungmin got out from Hyunjin's hold and stood near the bed. He stretched his limbs, and yawned. Well maybe sleeping in Hyunjin's hold made him sleep better. Just maybe.

He turned towards the door and was about to walk out, when Hyunjin called for him.

“Uahhh Come on pup won't you even wait for me?”

“I- y-you want me to wait for y-you?”, he stumbled over his own words. He just stood there, by the door, dumbfounded and unconsciously waiting as asked.

“Let's go~”, Hyunjin said as he took Seungmin's hand and started walking towards the breakfast room.

They almost reached the room when Seungmin stopped and told Hyunjin to go further, as he had to change to be presentable.

“Oh. sure then”

Seungmin watched quietly as Hyunjin walked to the room to eat. He sighed.

“Why do I keep getting flustered when I'm around him...”

He pouted, confused at his own feelings. Why on earth did Hwang Hyunjin make his heart skip multiple beats sometimes, and why did he stutter when he's around him?? Why did his face get flushed whenever Hyunjin did something?

Surely, everything was too confusing for a brain who just woke up and hasn't gotten food, he settled. He walked towards his room to get dressed.

Seungmin got dressed, and went towards the room where breakfast would be served. He passed by Julia and Ryujin.

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