Chapter-6: Alive ?

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Jackson's smile warmed up the dark room. He just felt like a soft pillow you go to for warm hugs when you don't have anyone.

"Well to start off, let's introduce ourselves, shall we? I understand that Lee Know, or Sky must be aliases."


Felix looked around the room, pondering if he should tell him. Seungmin saw no disadvantage if they did, since it seemed like they were stuck here, so he told him before Felix.

"I'm Seungmin."

Jackson looked at the boy, and his mouth formed an o shape.

"Honoured to meet you, Seungmin" ,  he smiled once again.

"I'm Felix, and Lee Know's real name is Minho. I don't know I.N's real name though"

I.N gave them a confused look.

"But I'm Jeongin, I told you this morning?"

"Oh wait that was your real name?? Sorry I thought it was just another fake name.", Felix gave an awkward smile, when Jeongin pouted.

"Oh well, it's reasonable."

Meanwhile Jackson was just standing there, looking at them being friendly. He gave them a fatherly smile, but it turned into a pitied smile, because he thought of their fates.

Minho just stayed silent during all of that, years of betrayal in his job, trust issues making him cold-hearted. He stared at Jackson, not taking his eyes off of him. When Jackson noticed he was being watched, he looked at Minho, and smiled.

Well they didn't actually have a good start, Jackson practically 'kidnapping' them.

"Oh right are you guys hungry?"

Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin nodded, they hadn't actually eaten the whole day. Wait was it actually still even the same day? How many days were they even knocked out? Oh well. What mattered was that they were hungry.

"No I'm not hungry"

They looked at Minho who said that with a glare.

His stomach seemed to disagree though, since it started to rumble. They held in their laughter as Minho's face flushed.

"Well your stomach says otherwise. The least I can do is take care of you all, so you can ask me if you need anything, and I'll be at your service. I'll be right back with the food", he said, smiling and he walked out of the door.

Seungmin looked at the flustered Minho, and snickered. Minho heard this and glared at him, but Seungmin only made silly faces at the older, riling him up.

The cell was small, so they didn't have much space to run around.

Eventually Minho caught a giggling Seungmin by the waist, laughing along with him.

"Gotcha~ Now you have nowhere else to go~", with a smirk he continued. "So what were you saying to your lovely hyung, earlier?"

Seungmin let out a yelp and got attacked with tickles.

The room filled with giggled from all four of them, making their situation even just a bit better.

scene II

"Sire we have collected the jesters."


Hyunjin looked a tad uninterested. Well who would? The past ones never could amuse him, not even in the slightest make him smile.

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