Chapter-21: The Prophecy

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Seungmin sighed, putting his book down. He wondered if he was too predictable– reading books every second of the day like it was his life.

As much as he loved reading, he himself knew this was going too far. He needed to do something different, he couldn't live on with just reading.

But what was there to do?

Seungmin hung his head low, sighing. There was nothing to do.

“I've explored the whole castle too...”

He decided something new was just a hassle in the end, and stood up to get more books.

“I've read most of the ones on the front.. I should start from the back of the library.. that'd be interesting. Maybe I'll find some secret room or something”, he chuckled at his own words.

He stood up and made his way to the back of the library. Sure enough, since it was the back of the library, the smell seemed different and more so untouched.

He looked around, the part of the library being more dimly lit than the rest made it look more.. mysterious. Seungmin's body tingled from sudden adrenaline.

The smell of paper, that always made him sniff on his books was wafting freely here. Seungmin breathed in deep, wanting to savor it, and breathed out through his mouth.

He smiled. Books are perfect.

He started to look around more books that seemed interesting but then again, we shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

He went to the shelf at the furthest back,  tip-toeing to get a better view. (He looked like a curious puppy)


Seungmin exclaimed when he saw one he saw fit to be read, his eyes sparkling.

The cover was of black with a hint of brown, gold carvings decorating it. He stretched his arms trying to reach it, standing on his toes.

He luckily was able to get it and took it, smiling contentedly. He caressed the cover, feeling its texture and how the gold carvings were like.

He grinned with his cute front teeth showing, and turned around to walk back to his seat.

He sat down on his chair, readying himself for another journey the book would tour him on.

He put the book, it's gold writings presenting it as “Hwalcyon Origin” with a smaller writing below it, “including His Majesty Hwang In-yeop's hand-written notes”.

The smaller writing was what caught Seungmin's attention. He'd read the history of their kingdom dozens of times, but never the kingdom's first official king's notes, because it was thought to be something that was already lost. Apparently it was just inside castle grounds.

He opened the first few pages, and read through the table of contents:

Table of Contents

•How It Came To Be                                   -4

•Halcyon: Hwalcyon's representation         -440

•Prophecy                                                       -704

•King Hwang In-yeop's Writings                   -1088


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