Chapter-9: Not so bad..?

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As the last dream he had kept replaying in his head, he started eating his breakfast quietly. Indeed the food was mouth-savoring. The taste left a strong yet delicate feeling to his tongue and their water, though how weird it may seem, was the most fresh and endearing water he had drank, ever in his life.

Palace food sure proved that life was different inside these castle walls.

He thought of his brothers, or Felix, Minho and the newest addition Jeongin. He really saw potential in Jeongin. If he was guided in the good path he could have been a good kid. But who was he to talk? He himself wasn't much, a thief. You know what though? That wasn't going to stop him.

How he wished he could share what he was eating with them. They could have been suffering, or doing who-knows-what and here he was being fed such good meals. He felt guilty for some reason.

As he finished the meal he put the bowls and plates in a neat way, with the silverware on top right after, because that's what polite people do. At least that's what he read in the books.

He slowly stood up from the floor, his knees making a cracking sound as he stood straight. Right after he stretched himself and you could hear him cracking all over.

He went to the bed that camouflaged itself the night before and sat on it. Surprisingly, (but not too surprisingly) it was soft. He bounced up and down a little, and he giggled a bit.

After having his little bouncy session he then he looked around the room.

Royal room in a castle indeed. Just in front of the queen sized bed,  was a white victorian tufted bench with gold details. A white framed mirror hung on the wall in front of the bed engraved with  sophisticated designs and a bureau right below it. A large royal wardrobe was on the left corner of the room and on either sides  of the bed were a small nightstands, both of the same designs, white with a bit of gold details. A chandelier, white with gold as well, hung on top of the room.

There was a painting on the right side of the wardrobe, a painting of a dog, surprisingly not matching the aesthetic of the rest of the room. The dog was a small black and white chihuahua, and the background of the dog was just plain brown.

Seungmin looked at the mirror and scoffed at himself. He looked at the boy standing in the mirror up and down and was disgusted by the image. He looked like he hadn't taken a bath in days (which was true). His hair was dry, and messy. His ragged clothes were filled with dust. He could just go on the streets like that and beg for money and people would actually give him.

He then looked the rope which apparently called for the butler earlier. Hesitatingly, he pulled it softly. Since there wasn't any response he decided that it was just some joke. He then went to look at the painting when suddenly the door opened,revealing the butler and surprising Seungmin.

"Good Afternoon, Mr.Sky. How may I be of your service?"

He bowed

He bowed.

Seungmin started to panic. Why was the butler bowing? He wasn't a royal. He started to shake his head and put out his hand, shaking it as well.

"No no don't bow at me. I-I uh cough I j-just needed to ask whether I could take a b-bath. It's okay if I'm being too much of a trouble and-"

"Understood, Sir. The bath will be made shortly. It will take just a minute."

And with that the butler bowed again and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Seungmin stood there, mouth agape and still processing what just happened.

"Did he just call me Sir? Wait why did he obey to my request? What-?"

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