Chapter-4: I Have it All Planned Out... I think

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"This innocent face of mine has been quite useful for luring gullible people like you. You know, I never smiled much when I was younger and people were actually scared of me. They told me to 'smile more' because when I did, I made them more 'comfortable' with them? But did they know I didn't want them to be?", Jeongin scoffed, memories, clearly not ones he was fond of, playing in his head.

"I wanted power. I wanted them to fear me. But of course people being at my feet because of my cute mask was nice. Them fearing me without any filter is better."

"They thought that I needed protection, that I was simply a young boy who needed guiding. Boy if they saw me now they'd surely be shocked."

Jeongin laughed a little, smirking. Seungmin, Minho and Felix were glaring at I.N. They really were fooled by his acts, and they were ashamed. Especially Minho, since he knew he recognized I.N but couldn't remember how. Now he knew.

"Gosh to think my simple plan worked on the best known thieves in the kingdom, fell right into my trap like fools."

"Why on earth are you doing this I.N? Don't tell me, oh! I know! You find us as threats, don't you? As you should.", Minho said mockingly, which surprisingly didn't seem to work as I.N had the same emotionless face, and he was scary.

"Don't think you can rile me up like some idiot Lee Minho. This whole thing has been a plan, my plan, that you were just used as a puppet in." Jeongin now had a small smirk on his face.

"Wait so you mean to say that you, you are the imbecile who ratted us out??"

I.N scoffed.

"Please. Don't stoop me down to that level. And besides, that was just the introduction of my plan. If I wasn't thinking I would kill all of you here, right now. But the reason I'm still here talking and you're able to listen is just.."

knock knock

"to buy time for those idiots."

Soldiers came rushing in, fully geared from head to toe.

One bent down next to Minho.

"Well well well. If it isn't Lee Know. Not so sneaky now are we?", the soldier spat out.

Minho scoffed(probably for the hundredth time that day) and glared at the soldier who returned the glare at him. His head was then covered by a black cloth, fully blocking his view, and so were the other two.

I.N then came up to the soldier, crossing his arms.

"Took you long enough-"

He was interrupted rudely by other soldiers tying him up as well.

"Hey this wasn't part of the deal! I got you all the thieves and I'm supposed to be free not taken with them! Idiots! Let go-!"

They put the black cloth on his head as well.

"Well you see, we are noble soldiers of the king. We don't make deals with low-born thieves."

The boys were thrown into some carriage, but they wouldn't know because they had bags covering their heads.

They were all roughly pushed and pulled because the road in the forest wasn't exactly smooth.

They went their way to the castle, at the far side of the kingdom, isolated from the village but still appearing vaguely. The castle was black, and had a dark aura surrounding it, discouraging the villagers to even go near it. It had high, spiky walls around it, scattered with thorns.

The boys were all knocked out by the soldiers after they were complaining and about to fight, so they didn't know when they arrived at the large, dark castle.

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