Chapter-11: Questions turned answers.. maybe

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Wait... what am I supposed to do..?

Seungmin just realised in his one day of staying, that what he will be doing that is so important that many got their lives ruined, wasn't mentioned. Not even once.

Hyunjin noticed the boy had gone quiet, and asked.

"What's wrong pup?"

Seungmin snapped out of his trance, and looked at Hyunjin once again.

"Don't call me that”,he snapped. "But I was wondering.."

Hyunjin hummed, signalling that he had his attention.

"What will I be doing here? I mean not that I'm obliged to do anything and I think you and I both  know I'll eventually escape and-"

Hyunjin cocked an eyebrow, smirking at first but when he noticed the younger rambling he rolled his eyes, and cleared his throat to get Seungmin's attention, which of course he did.

Hyunjin leaned forward, closer to Seungmin's face. The latter of course straightened his posture and leaned back.

"What a cute rambling pup you are.."

Seungmin felt his cheeks heat up and his heart beat faster at that, and in all his 20 years of living it was the first time that this happened.

He didn't know what was happening, why he was reacting like that.

He glared at Hyunjin harder.

"I told you to stop calling me pup."

Hyunjin's raised eyebrow, his smirk plastered on his face.


Seungmin was about to retaliate but Hyunjin cut him off, answering Seungmin's question.

"I'm going to be honest here pup, you're just going to do whatever I tell you to do. If I ask you anything, you answer like the good pup you are. If I tell you to do anything, you obey."

Seungmin was confused. More so than before. If this all was just for one person to obey him or something why didn't he choose anyone else? Why him of all people?

The confused pup look on Seungmin's face made Hyunjin smile slightly. Of course he turned that into a smirk again.

(a/n help why tf am i making Hyunjin a smirking machine-)

The room seemed to be filled with his heartbeat for Seungmin. Was he nervous? Of course he was. Doing whatever for the king was not his goal however. He tried to think of possible ways to escape with his friends somehow, but... he didn't even know where to start with them. They were in some 'dungeon' or something.. His only chance was to escape alone

But, even if he escaped.. what would he do? No one's going to be waiting for him with flowers and welcome gifts, after all, he was a thief, a nuisance to everyone. That's why he was chosen in the first place: no one would notice his disappearance.. if they did, they would celebrate.

Life seems cruel to the puppy-like boy. Why was he fated to be living like this? Was it written in the stars for his life to be miserable?

He then thought about the things before him: food and royal clothing, and Hyunjin. He was kidnapped... but given the life of that of a royal. Maybe if he did do things Hyunjin would tell him to..

Surely he was handsome, fit for king. Maybe even a male deity.

He was snapped back to reality, and realised what he was thinking about. He got flustered.

The thumping of his heart seemed to affect his face too, turning it crimson red. 

Disturbing the seemingly quiet and awkward atmosphere, Seungmin stood up abruptly, pushing his chair back. Hyunjin looked up at him, eyebrow raised, smirk never leaving his face.

Overwhelmed, the boy stuttered.

"I-I won't do whatever you want monster! Pervert! I'll escape, you hear me?!"

And with that, he left the room, speed walking and his face red.

When he reached his room, he slid down leaning onto the door. His heart seemed to have a never ending marathon, his face and head made it seem as if he just got burned.

He helplessly hugged his knees, breathing in and out in an attempt to calm himself down.

Why was he like this in the first place?

He had questions, but he himself didn't know the answers.

Why was Hyunjin appearing in his mind? Why did that confusing person make him like this? But the biggest question of all, was why he seemed to like the effect he had on him?

Then it hit him. Hyunjin never mentioned doing anything weird, yet he called him a pervert. Thinking, he started to notice it was all him that jumped to conclusions about what he was going to be asked to do. His face heated up again. My god was he the pervert all along?

He spent the rest of the evening overthinking. He even forgot to finish his book. Damn it

On the other hand, was Hyunjin, who was caught up thinking about the younger's shy expressions, how that cute little face had such a sassy mouth, and how much he wanted to tame him.

He couldn't stop thinking how vulnerable he'd look wrecked, and how adorable he'd look following his every request- no, scratch that. Order.

He hummed, casually thinking about it, but the more he thought, grew the problem. The problem gradually became inevitable to ignore, things he thought he never had, and had left behind returning, leaving Hyunjin to think, it's all because of Kim Seungmin. Surely, he was special.

To each his thoughts, that's for sure. But what was clear was that they each had the other's mind occupied.

Time flew by, the sun bid farewell, and welcomed the dark with the sunset. Darkness gladly took the welcome gift, gradually taking over, only for it to bid adieu in a mere few hours too, welcoming daylight who would have the grand entrance with twilight.

With darkness came their need to consume their sources of energy, the one they got from lunch wearing out.

Servants grew busy, preparing their best for it was, for the one and only, king and his special guest.

They did what they could, and my was it fancy. Surely, it was a meal fit for the king.

Brian went on his way to notify Seungmin about dinner. He told on and on again how he could be called Brian to the other people in the castle, yet they chose to ignore that because they sure loved to tease the poor man.

Once he reached the very detailed door of Seungmin, he knocked on the door once, and took a step back, because who knows maybe Seungmin will open the door on his face and he did not want that.

Once he heard the knock on his door, he snapped out of his mini daze, and went to open his door. Brian quickly bowed and informed Seungmin of the dinner, to which the boy nodded softly, asking for Brian to wait a minute to freshen up. After getting his nod of approval, he went to his bedside table and sprinkled his handkerchief with water with which he dabbed his face oh so gracefully. His face became red.

After being done with his business he quickly muttered a small thanks to Brian and followed him to the dining room.

Their walk in the empty halls were filled with their footsteps, Seungmin quietly just following Younghyun.

"You know.."

Seungmin snapped his head and put his attention to Brian, who continued.

"You remind me of an old friend of mine."

𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔲𝔢𝔡. . .

thank god i edited this before hand- SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE AHSHSHS

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