Chapter-18: Secret.. Revealed to You

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That time when Hyunjin asked Seungmin for a hug, well I'm happy to announce that that, wasn't the last time. It was just the beginning of many more random hugs, where Hyunjin appeared out of nowhere, and asked. Seungmin would always hesitantly do so, because it seemed Hyunjin was right when he said he always got what he wanted.

Seungmin sat at the library, reading yet another book, when suddenly out of nowhere, a figure stood before him.

He looked up to see Hyunjin as usual. He didn't know how he always managed to find him.. I mean it's not like he stayed in the same place every second of every day doing the same thing.

Seungmin sighed. He put down his book, and turned his body to face Hyunjin as he stood up. He opened his arms silently.

Hyunjin immediately pulled him to his body, his arms around Seungmin's waist as he squeezed it.

Seungmin's hands were under Hyunjin's arms, he hugged back. Hyunjin breathed in Seungmin's scent again, easing his nerves.

They stood there silent for a few minutes, before Hyunjin pulled away. He just walked back to where he came from.

Seungmin didn't mind as he sat back down and resumed reading again.

The clock had struck midnight, but Seungmin's bladder made it impossible for him to sleep, so he went to do his thing with both eyes drooping, threatening him to just pass out along the halls.

As he made his way to his room, he passed by the royal chamber. Surprisingly, he heard the faint sound of someone talking. It caught him off-guard, and as he was curious, went on and eavesdropped.

He recognized the voice to be of Hyunjin, and he seemed to be... talking to himself?

Not being able to decipher what he was talking about, Seungmin pushed further on the door, basically becoming one with it.

It seemed as if Seungmin pushed too hard, because the door became slightly ajar, and it creaked.

Hyunjin who was talking to the moon as usual but suddenly disturbed by the creak of the door, turned towards the door in alert.

“Who goes there?”, he asked, voice firm and clear.

Seungmin who was not keen on being caught kept silent, but stayed frozen on the spot, unlike when he was on missions. where he would usually run and hide.

Unsatisfied with the silence, Hyunjin decided to look at the intruder himself as he took the sword hanging on the wall and strode towards the door. With much strength he opened the door, revealing a crouched Seungmin covering his head, slightly shaking.

A little relieved to find it was Seungmin, he let out a little sigh, but quickly furrowed his eyebrows as it was no time for the boy to be roaming the castle. He tapped him with the sword to get his attention.

Seungmin got startled by the sharp object poking him, and slightly faced his king, only to have an intense and awkward eye contact. Hyunjin and he just stared at each other for a minute or so, before the king broke it by coughing and looking sideways, Seungmin looking back down with a red and flustered face. 

“What are you doing, roaming the castle so late at night boy?”, Hyunjin asked, his face displaying no emotion.

Seungmin, still too flustered to look at Hyunjin, replied: “J-just clearing my bladder”. He mentally cursed himself for stuttering.

There was silence for a moment.

With a dry cough to clear his throat Hyunjin replied, “Ah I see. Is that so?”

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