chapter 17 - secret facility

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In the canteen of TAPOPS-U...

BoBoiBoy, Ochobot and Qually came to serves the meal.

As the Boy gave Adudu the food, he annoyingly ignore him. But still accepting the meal anyway.

When BBB and Qually approaches to the others, they see a sad look of their faces. Which worries them.

BoBoiBoy: eh... What's wrong with you guys? You all look so sad.

Yaya:... We have a terrible week, boboiboy.

Qually: like what?

Ying: we were accused on something we hadn't done anything bad.

BoBoiBoy and Qually: What?!

They explained about from last few events of the days, after their missing friend returned. Were each of them unexpectedly gets a bad reputation.

Like Gopal was band from coming to the fast food restaurants for "wrecking" the place.

Fang was ostracized by his classmates, were he was claimed to be using shadow powers to scare them.

Yaya causes a "mess" on a whole town by throwing trashes from the sky.

And Ying "pranking" a lot of people with her speed powers.

Because of this, the public now viewed them as "bad guys". While BBB wasn't aware of it

BoBoiBoy: huh?! That's ridiculous. There's no way you would ever done such a thing.

Yaya: that's true. Why would we want to do something horrible?

Ying: it feels like... We were actually framed!

Gopal: first the chaos from the city, embarrassing videos of us, now we're accused to do something bad... What's going on right now?!

BoBoiBoy: wait, embarrassing videos-

Fang: Nevermind That! Let's just focus on whoever framed us, shall pay for it.

They still wonder who might be a true culprit of this case.

While Adudu is excluded since he's always been helping them in most missions, and always tagged along with the group. As he's already been redeemed from last few months, it's all thanks to them.

Gopal: but still... I can't believe everyone thinks we're the bad guys! Even though we always saved the day. And now they hate us for something we didn't do anything bad.

Making the others upset about it.

BoBoiBoy: hey don't feel sad. You're not really the bad guys. I don't really hate you at all. You're my best friend. Let's solve this together.

They're touched by his kind words.

Yaya: thank you boboiboy. You're making us feel better already.

Fang: we take that back for leaving you behind.

But this moment won't last long enough, as they hear the alarm.

So they all rush to the main room to meet with the commander, over the monitor.

Commander Kokoci: I have to inform you all about the incident in TAPOPS station from last night. We were attacked by Kurai!

This shocks everyone from hearing the news.

But BBB wasn't familiar about him due of his absence.

BBB: Kurai? Who's that?

Fang: since you were gone... He was a real troublemaker who tends to sabotage most of TAPOPS mission and terrorizing every government in the Galaxy.

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