chapter 18 - the Sacred Gems

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It all begins in the morning, were the gang are taking a ride in the ship throughout the space with commander Kokoci.

As they're on a trip to see the facility like BoBoiBoy suggested to go there.

Even Papa Zola, Adudu, and Probe is tagging along with the group.




The ride does not take long as they have arrive in a planet. Which the ships starts to stopped by.

Kokoci: alright everyone we are here.

When they check out through the window, they only see an empty space of an area.

Gopal: hey! There's No facility.

Which the commander explain that since it's meant to be kept hidden, the facility is completely covered by a barrier that can make it invisible.

As it's right infront of them. Were the invisible barrier starts to open the entrance, allowing the ship to enter inside.

Once the ship landed to the ground after the entrance closes, they meet with the other members (like Captain Kaizo, admiral Tarung, the shield twins, and Nut), who were waiting for them.

With everyone now in group,

"Now that we're all here, I shall guide all the way through the facility."

"Yes commander"

Everyone starts to enter the facility.

Kokoci and the other chiefs will be guiding them for a tour in the meantime. And the rest is excited to see some treasures that is kept.

While they only passed by to see the engine room, were it keeps the security system and the invisible barrier functioning. To prevent any thieves from trespassing.

Then they resume their tour.




Everyone are now brought to the front door.

BoBoiBoy: so is this the one that you're going to show us there?

Kaizo: yes BoBoiBoy. Now let's come inside

Once the door is open, they're amazed to see treasures being placed in there.

Yaya: wow. All of the treasures are beautiful.

Kokoci: this is where the artifacts that possessed powerful properties and abilities. But it's just like power spheres, were the monetary value and beauty make them prime targets of thieves who seek for their near-limitless powers. Including using to conquer the galaxy.

Tarung: that's why the treasure should be kept from them.

BoBoiBoy: that's great, but where was the one that the Knight Empires was looking for?

Kokoci: Right. Follow me.

They approach to the vault were they started to unlock it.

Once it's fully opened, this shows to have a metal briefcase. Then shows something that it kept the most rarest treasure inside.

Gopal: what is that commander?

They see three artifacts being placed inside of it.

One in the middle is large shiny crystal ball, the left is a golden star shaped gem, and the right is the golden sword. But the blade was missing it's end, as it was cut off.

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