Upstead Draft 210.!!

504 9 0

Draft chosen by Zou_1326

Haileys POV
I was at my door when I saw Jay sitting on the floor waiting on me.

Hailey- you came

Jay- you asked me to

Hailey- you know their is a key under they mat

Jay- I didn't know that

I opened the door and we walked in. I let my hair down and changed into my blue silk shorts with lace at the bottom and my blue silk tank top with lace at the top and bottom. I found Jay sitting by the bathroom door I sat on the bed in front of him and laid on his side.

Hailey- I never learnt relationships or intimacy when I was a little girl when my parents said I love it was after mama said I'm sorry Hailey I should I of protected you I love you Ann or daddy said I'm sorry I hurt you it won't happen again I love you my Hailey Bailey next day next week next hour it was happening again... I never actually felt comfort love... so when you said I love you I was waiting for the I'm sorry the punch the beating and all of it came flooding back *cries* and I couldn't stop it I could but I do want us I want this and I'll get there I want to get there I wanna be better at this I wanna be with you cause I love you so much I really do I just need you to be patient with me please don't leave me I just need someone to understand me and be patient with me

Jays eyes was watered and he was about to get in the bed but then he took his shirt and pants off cause he knows I hate dirty clothes in the bed. He sat beside me and I laid my head on his lap,

Jay- I can be patient and it's okay cause as long as I have you I know everything is gonna be okay and I wanna be with you and I'm not going anywhere Hails and I love you to *kisses Hailey*

Hailey- mmmm and I do want you and coffee and waffles

Jay- *smiles* that sounds like a plan I just wanna know where you got these shorts cause you look hot in them and the lace shirt

Hailey- *kisses Jay* mmhhmm you think so

Jay- mmhhm

Hailey- I'm hungry

Jay- how you gonna pull away after that compliment 

Hailey- I'm hungry

Jay- I'll order Mexican food *knock on the door*

Hailey- I got it

I went to see who was at the door and when I opened it I saw Kim standing there.

Kim- I wanted to see how you were doing

Hailey- good just a tough case you know

Kim- yeah

Hailey- I noticed you and Adam weren't talking

Kim-... yeah I may have ruined it for us

Hailey- Kim

Kim- I'm serious Hailey I asked him what he did when he shot that man he was so angry I had never seen him like that and for a moment I thought he shot that man because he didn't want his name to get out and I didn't ask if he was okay I didn't ask if he was hurt I asked what did you do and it hurt him and his angry and he won't talk to me unless it's about work stuff it's on me

Hailey- you gotta stop doing that Kim... Adam was angry and he stormed outta there and when we watched that video I thought myself he pulled that trigger because of what he said cause what he said that would make you think he did it and I quote he said we've done worse things then he storms out after we find out where the suspect was yeah he kidnapped his father but his father betrayed the blue wall his father wore a a badge and he used those privileges the wrong way and Adam his known for diving right in and y'all are supposed to stick together but he didn't and that's on him when he chose to go back there by himself he chose to put himself in that position and we may not be close like Stella and Brett but I know you Kim and I know Adam his just angry and he needs a escape goat and it's you don't let him use you again but he does love you I do know that and if he chooses to miss out on someone like you than it's his lost but you did nothing wrong it's not our job to ask if you their okay while we are on the job when someone like him is on the streets.. his personal and work feelings are getting mixed so don't blame yourself k

Kim- k

Hailey- and if he does miss out I'm sure theirs a hot man out there who is single

Kim- *smiles* your something I'll see you Monday

Hailey- see you Kim

I closed and locked the door than found Jay sitting on the edge of the bed ordering the food on door dash. I sat on his lap and kissed down his neck while rubbing his waist.

Jay- I'm ordering the food you know this distracts me

Hailey- mmhhhm

I rolled my body on his and he kissed my neck. I stood on my knees and moved my hands down his boxers. He slid one hand on my butt and being rubbing it and used the other hand for his phone.

Hailey- mmmm put your phone down

Jay laid me on the bed then put his phone down. He laid beside me and held me in he's arms as I turned on a movie. We watched the movie and I laid in he's arms hoping he's arms would be my safe place forever.


One Chicago One Shot- 1-120

Upstead/Tresse- 1-215

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