Upstead Draft 123.!!

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Chosen by Zou_1326

Haileys POV
Me and Jay got pregnant with Kinsley two years ago it was unexpected. We ended up dating getting engaged and we have been married 3 months. I've been aggravated with Jay all day. Natalie and Will came and got Kinsley so she could play with Allison and Owen. I was laying in the tub when Jay walked in and stood at the door. I didn't say anything I just laid there.

Jay- Hails

Hailey- mmmhhhmm

Jay- what's wrong did I say something did I do something ever since last week you've been angry

Hailey- guess she was right about that to

Jay- what are you talking about

I stood up grabbed my towel and dried off then got dressed. Jay was blocking the door so I stood I grabbed the letters I found.

Hailey- These she knows about our life and you were going to write back... I didn't think this would happen it's been two years... Jay I'm still in love with you I miss you I just I can't continue without you.... This when you wife finds these she doesn't just move on I was cleaning and found em... IF YOU DIDN'T WANT HER IN YOUR LIFE I WAS FINE RAISING HER SHE'S MY LIFE BUT SEEMS SHE ISN'T YOURS IF YOU DIDN'T WANT US YOU COULD OF SAID IT JAY I'VE BEEN HURT BEFORE BUT THESE BROKE ME.. *cries* SHE'S TWO SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW MUCH ABOUT LIFE JUST THAT HER DADDY GIVES THE BEST HUGS HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER TO ME TO US

I pushed through him grabbed my phone and threw my hair up. I grabbed my keys and went to get Kinsley. I got to Natalie's and she and the kids were the only ones there Will wasn't.

Kinsley- MOMMY

Hailey- hey princess

Kinsley- you sad you eyes wet

Hailey- no I'm so happy to see my baby girl

Kinsley- where's daddy

Hailey- daddy is at home

Kinsley- we gotta go see him

Hailey- say bye bye

Kinsley- bye bye Alli bye bye Owen

Owen- Bye Kins

Allison- Bye Kinsley

Natalie- you good

Hailey- yeah

Natalie- text me

Hailey- k.. thanks

Natalie- no problem

I got Kinsley in the car and started to drive home. I got there and the house was quiet I found a note from Jay.

Hailey, I wanted to give you some space I'm sorry for everything I didn't wanna leave her without a letter back I didn't get to finish it but I shouldn't of started it like that call me when your ready to talk I'm sorry Hails and I love you and Kinsley and I'm happy y'all's in my life I've been in a bad place and I acted the wrong way.. I love y'all Hails I really do I'm sorry tell Kin I love you pleas- Jay

I got Kinsley ready for bed then put her in my bed.

Kinsley- daddy

Hailey- he'll be home soon baby I promise

Kinsley- oodnight mommy love you

Hailey- I love you to baby

I kissed her forehead then pulled the covers over her and cut the lights off. I went into the living room and grabbed the note I sat on the couch and cried. I picked up the phone and called Kim and Natalie. They arrived 10 minutes later with some of the other girls.

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