Upstead 101.!!

467 9 7

Draft chosen by LouWalker0

Haileys POV
Sarge walked into the bullpen angry.

Adam- someone's about to get it

Hank- Upton

Hailey- yes

Kim- Hailey what did you do

Hank- I told you I would handle it

Hailey- and I let you handle it

Hank- by spilling details in therapy now they opened a investigation what are you gonna do

Hailey- Sarge

Hank- Hailey you've crossed a lot of lines we talked about this

Hailey- no you told me to go to therapy I did she told me to talk I did I'm sorry if doing what you asked was wrong

Hank- I told you to talk about your past

Hailey- Sarge when you said I wasn't you you were right I'm not as tough and I can't just do stuff and get over it I have a conscience and no matter not bad of a person he was he was still a person and he deserved what he got but I can't go to sleep and sleep peacefully now I've sat in that office and you've yelled at me about so much stuff about how I shouldn't cross certain lines and how I can't take it and your right I can't take it because I walk into this bullpen everyday with a tough shell cause I grew up knowing if I didn't walk around with my chest held high and not keeping my crown straight I was gonna get broken and I still do that but under all that armor and that braveness I'm a human being who still has a heart and might look tough and might look like she can take all the crap she is given and is gone through but I can't and I've learnt how to push it down but I'm at a point where I can't anymore and it's affecting my job my relationship and you told me to go to therapy and talk about my past and my crap and I did and no matter how much my walls wanted to come up I didn't let him and now your angry cause I wanna try help myself so it wouldn't affect g my job I mean I was trying to better myself for you for this job for my teammates maybe I could of said it better but at the time I was so broken I can't remember what I said Sarge in that room and I know your gonna tell me a story about Erin Lindsay or Antonio Dawson but I'm not them I don't have a place to run to I can't just leave Chicago I don't run Sarge so what do you need to know if I said some things maybe I shouldn't of said in therapy is I'm screwed up cause you asked that last time and yeah I think I am screwed up but that's not my fault I went eighteen years through hell and I'm not gonna get over it in a couple years cause I went through it every day of those eighteen years but I do what I need to and I try my best to fix myself but some of me is stuck like this and I hate it but it is and I'm sorry if I've screwed up your job my job the unit but sometimes I get tired of trying to do what's best for others I don't have a cold heart I'm a good person inside and I can't sleep at night knowing what happened if you need me I'll be at home

I grabbed my stuff and walked to my car. I drove to Jays place and when I got there I change out my clothes into just Jays to shirt then crawled in bed and started to cry.

Jays POV
I grabbed my stuff and ran after Hailey. When I got downstairs she was gone. I jumped in my truck and drove to my place cause I had a feeling she was going there. I got inside my apartment took my shoes off and ran into my bedroom to see her crying. I laid beside her and pulled her into me.

Jay- I'm here Hailey I got you

Hailey- I didn't mean for it to happen

Jay- I know Hailey so don't do this to yourself I'm proud of you

Hailey- I'm screwed up

Jay- no baby your not

Hailey- I was gonna go home but I wanted to be in your sheets smells like you if...

Jay- your good I love having you here

Hailey- I shouldn't of flipped but Jay I'm tired of being this tough person I'm not tough I'm not I take all this crap when sometimes I just wanna break down

Jay- I know baby and you shouldn't have to be tough and you don't have to be cause you have me and I love you so much and I'll protect you I promise I will

Hailey- lay here with me please

Jay- yeah I will

I laid beside her and she fell asleep I just wanted her to sleep I knew she needed some rest so I just laid there hoping she wouldn't wake up.

.... to be continued


One Chicago One Shot- 1-120

Upstead/Tresse- 1-215

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