Upstead Draft 160.!!!

560 8 0

Chosen by LouWalker0
{Thanks Zou_1326 for catching my mistake I accidentally reposted draft 104 again}

Haileys POV
I was sitting at my desk when Voight walked in.

Voight- listen up guys a old member is back Erin Lindsay she should be here any moment and it's the part where the partner thing get confusing it's up to y'all

Vanessa- I can switch

Hailey- no I'll do Jay is her partner and this is her original desk

Platt- Upton please please get back to the FBI on that offer they are sending stuff and their calling me now

Hailey- will do

Platt- and they sent agents

Hailey- DID WHAT

OA- Hailey Upton

Hailey- OA I told you that cops and feds don't get along especially my unit

OA- yeah but we was hoping you would take the job this is Maggie

Hailey- I know Mags

Maggie.B- good to see you again Hailey and you should take it

Hailey- mmmm

Maggie.B- you've always wanted to expand your horizon

Hailey- in life Mags

Maggie.B- well you would love the FBI

Hailey- I don't do fancy suits

Maggie.B- we will talk to our boss and you will not have to wear fancy suits

Hailey- I don't know Mags

Maggie.B- hey we are here for two weeks helping the CPD when your ready to take the offer we will help you pack up

Hailey- Maggie

Maggie.B- you get bad more you would get to be a FBI agent and as much as we heard Agent Erin Lindsay is coming back so that would be uneven and coming to the FBI you would have fun and get to work in a even unit sounds amazing to me

Hailey- mmm

OA- think about it

Hailey- I will

OA- all we are asking

Maggie.B- hey you might meet the person you are meant to marry

Hailey- really Maggie

Maggie- think about it really hard like a lot and you get to work big cases and get better pay

Hailey- I will think about it

Maggie- k

Hailey- so did you come alone

Maggie- hell no do I ever go anywhere without the girls I'll text you our hotel address

Hailey- k

Vanessa- your not going

Kim- we will take that

Hailey- hold up I'ma think about it

Vanessa- your not leaving

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