Upstead Draft 170.!!

441 7 3

Draft chosen by LouWalker0
Jays POV
I was standing at my desk when I felt someone jump on my back. I moved her to my hip.

Kaylon- hey

Jay- what are you doing her princess

Kaylon- I'm back and you could be a little happier daddy

Jay- *chuckles* welcome back princess I missed gig

Kaylon- I know how could you not miss your daughter

Jay- especially one like you where's your brother

Kaylon- his mad at you

Jay- for what

Kaylon- you missed his championship game but made it to mien

Jay- I had work and y'all were in New York

Kaylon- tell him that


Rylan- daddy

Hailey- there all yours

Jay- wait why

Hailey- check your messages you agreed I gotta meet Miller

Jay- I got a case

Hailey- Jay

Rylan- I'm going to grandma and papa

Hailey- no your not your staying with your daddy

Rylan- he always has a case his always here

Hailey- we talked about this game baby boy he had work

Rylan- never has work when Jay Kaylon


Rylan- yeah cause I'm right

Kaylon- your just angry that you didn't hit the ball

Rylan- that's why you broke your ankle sliding into home

Kaylon- and we still won

Rylan- congrats you did one thing without needing help

Hailey- Rylan and Kaylon Halstead what the hell is wrong with you to

Rylan- I'd rather be in New York

Hailey- okay so this is about you not being on the team here

Rylan- hell yeah it is I mean I can't play any travel sports because we moved and I missed a year and that's not fair cause If I would of stayed here I could of played and now I don't have anything to play cause I'm taking a year from public school I'm going to be the worst player when I go back all because you two split and I couldn't stay with daddy

Hailey- Ry

Rylan- she made her team she gets to go to public she gets to stay with daddy at his house she gets to do extra sports... I'm going to grandma Halstead's least she will let me do something

Haileys POV
I walked out behind Rylan and caught up to him. I saw Jay coming out and he leaned against the truck.

Hailey- Ry baby boy listen

Rylan- it's not right she always gets what she wants I could of stayed behind but no we had to go to New York and he had to stay behind because y'all split abs he has a another son now with another woman and she doesn't want me their well guess what if I don't wanna be there and I don't want you in my life if you can't be there full time like you are with Kaylon and Kayden I mean all you had to do is show up at a game but no you couldn't because of work but Uncle Will could I almost lost us the game because you wasn't in the stands... My life is ruined

He got in the truck and slammed the door.

Hailey- I got him

I got in the truck and drove to the house. When we got there he got on the couch and I laid beside him and cuddled him. We stayed there all day and didn't talk just watched movies. I canceled with Superintendent Miller. Jay came with Kaylon later on that night around 9pm.

Kaylon- mama I'ma stay with daddy

Hailey- k

Kaylon grabbed her stuff and looked at Rylan then dropped her bags and laid beside Rylan a couple minutes later the door opened.

Erin- Kaylon your daddy said if your coming to come on

Kaylon- tell him I'll see him tomorrow

Erin- k

Kaylon ordered pizza on my phone and we watched movies til 12am then we all went to wash and when I got out the shower Rylan and Kaylon was in my bed. I laid between them an cuddled them in my arms. We all dozed off when Kaylon cut the lights off


One Chicago One Shot- 1-120

Upstead/Tresse- 1-215

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