One Chicago Draft 119.!!!

679 12 2

Draft Chosen by LouWalker0
Bretts POV
I decided to go on the skiing trip with Grainger and we decided to go hiking on some rocks and he went back to get something and suddenly I heard a truck and suddenly Grainger was laying on the ground the person didn't notice he hit Grainger and kept going. I went to go back down and tripped and got stuck between two rocks. I could tell Grainger was in bad condition so I reached for my phone and dialed Matt.

Casey- Brett

Brett- Casey

Casey- Sylvie what's wrong

Brett- I went on a skiing trip with Grainger and we decided to go hiking

Casey- you hate hiking I mean you like it but you have to have someone like very close to you

Brett- I didn't tell him that and he went back down to get our water and a transfer truck hit us and kept going they don't know they hit him and we are in the middle of nowhere and I tried to go back down and tripped I'm stuck between two rocks and I can't barley breathe Matt

Casey- we are on the way... Stella has your location

Brett- *cries* I'm scared Matt

Casey- I know just hold on to something.

Brett- your doctor appointment did you get the results back

Casey- this isn't about me Brett

Brett- I can't breathe

Casey- just slow down your breathing

Brett- who took my spot while I've been gone

Casey-... Dawson is back... Stella go around them

Stella- I'm trying I need you to breathe to

Casey- Brett you there

Brett- in and out... you know now would be a good time to have someone close to me

Casey- *chuckles* I told you to tell him

Brett- he was so excited

Casey- Brett you gotta share that kind of stuff

Brett- I thought it was gonna be fun cause when we hike it's fun cause we just laugh at Stella and Kelly but this wasn't fun I just kept thinking about when us four do stuff together and I got super sad but I had to hide it

Casey- breathe

Brett- how far are y'all

Stella-.... fifteen minutes

Brett- y'all do know this place is a hour away

Stella- taking the short way

Brett- theirs a short way

Casey- it's only thirty minutes but we are way over the speed limit... is Cruz racing you

Brett- yeah he is

Brett- GRAINGER.... his unconscious what if's his dead

Casey- his not dead

Brett- okay I'm done dating people bad things always happen

Casey- no

Brett- yeah they do.... Matt if I die

Casey- your not gonna die so don't even say anything

Brett- I'm serious

I turned to face time and I could tell he had tears in his eyes.

Brett- I might die

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