Upstead Draft 501.!

391 12 4

Draft chosen by LouWalker0 

*TW: mentions of suicide*

Haileys POV

I walked into the interrogation room and sat beside the suspect.

Malia- shouldn't you be on that side

Hailey- yeah but I would like to sit here


Hailey- I'm engaged to my partner that green eyed cop you saw today

Malia- his nice to look at

Hailey- really nice but mmm I made a mistake a couple weeks ago

Malia- you cheated

Hailey- no I could never I would never no one comes close to how much I love that man

Malia- can you tell me what you did

Hailey- I mmm I shot someone not out of cold blood or because of what they done I wanted this man in jail not dead I wanted him to die in prison on the death penalty but instead I found myself either shooting this man or letting him shoot my sergeant and I'm a cop I have to protect my teams we are all partners so I shot the man and I tried calling it in but my Sarge said he was dead and he told me to leave so I did

Malia- you didn't try to bring him in

Hailey- I did and we was so close to bringing him in but when my Sarge went to get him up he grabbed his gun I asked him to drop it and he wouldn't his finger was on the trigger and he had already shot one of my best friends so I knew he wasn't scared to shot my Sergeant and all I could think about is what if that was the man I loved he was about to shot what would I do... so I shot him I'm trained to kill but I didn't wanna kill him so I shot him in the stomach hoping I could save him but I couldn't and now his dead and I kept that secret from the man I loved for a long time it caused me not to sleep not to eat I was depressed and I tried to hide it but I couldn't

Malia- he knows is

Hailey- yeah he knows now

Malia- so y'all's okay

Hailey-... I don't think he believes I'm still me I'm trying therapy but the truth I don't know if we will ever be okay we wake up say good morning and that's it we go to bed say good night he stays on his side I stay on mine and sometimes I can't deal with the fact I can't just slide into his arms so I go sleep on the couch and then sneak back into bed in the morning and fall back to sleep and he leaves before I'm fully awake and when he comes back we both find something to do... I'm starting to forget what his arms felt like and everything that made me feel at home with him and it hurts I grew up in a home that wasn't a home and I thought I had my home but it's like I went from mentally and physical abuse as a child to just mental abuse as an adult because of a choice I made

Malia- why didn't you tell him

Hailey-... because his too good to be drug down because do me his too good to be with me his too good for me and he served for this country and now this city and his over came a lot of things and I couldn't drag the best man I know down with me if I was gonna go down it was just gonna be me and I know he would of tried to help me but I didn't need him going down because of a choice I made

Malia-... sounds like your Sergeant manipulated you

Hailey- it was easy to do I grew up like you a father who wasn't a father

Malia- are you gonna go down for it

Hailey- no I have some friends who stuck by my side and helped me out

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