Chapter 3

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Chapter Three:

Technicolor Dreams


Harry was having a very vivid dream. He tossed and turned, his scar burning off and on. he tried to wake up, but couldn't. What was strange was that he knew he was dreaming.

Hazy gray smoke swirled around and then away to reveal the crumbling stone archway that Sirius had fallen through. The tattered black curtain blew softly and an ugly little girl with thick black hair in pigtails appeared on the stone dais, staring at it with trepidation. Harry gave a low, strangled cry in his sleep at seeing it again.

The scene melted and shifted.

The ugly little girl walked down Diagon Alley in a too-small black dress. A healthy-looking Bellatrix walked far ahead on the arm of the thick-set Rodolphus Lestrange. The little girl trailed behind, as though on purpose, until she lost sight of them. She stopped before Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor and stared inside. Looking disappointed, she backed away and walked through the street, kicking trash with her scuffed black shoes. She looked no older than six or seven.

"Are you lost, little girl?" asked a kind female voice.

The little girl looked up and Harry felt a warm sensation as he dreamed. It was his mother standing there, with a huge pregnant belly. Lily Potter looked at the girl with a concerned expression, her dark red hair swinging about her pretty face as she bent over a little to look more closely at the small child. Next to her was James Potter, who grinned and crouched down in front of the young girl.

"Would you like us to help you?" he asked.

The scene shifted and melted.

The turmoil of the hazy gray smoke returned. The shadowy, echoing voices of Lily and James could be heard over and over as the scene returned to the girl, standing before the archway that lead to Death in the Department of Mysteries.

"Are you lost, little girl?"

"Would you like us to help you?"

She began to walk towards the archway.

"Are you lost, little girl?"

"Would you like us to help you?"

The little girl touched the black veil gingerly, terror written on her face. Harry cried out to her not to go in, but she didn't hear him.

"Are you lost, little girl?"

"Would you like us to help you?"

She walked through the veil.

"Are you lost, little girl?"

"Would you like us to help you?"

Harry was somehow following her, running past the tattered curtain into hazy, gray smoke.

"Are you lost, little girl?"

"Would you like us to help you?"

The girl ran through the shadowy smoke that was beyond the veil, crying out frantically. "James Potter! James Potter, where are you? Please help me!" she screamed, looking around desperately for him. Harry followed her, wondering why she was calling for his father.

"Are you lost, little girl?"

"Would you like us to help you?"

"Potter! James Potter!"

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