Chapter 30

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All Good Things . . .


They had won.

Most of the Death Eaters had been killed, arrested, or had fled in panic once the man once known as Lord Voldemort fell. Vestra Sinistra was still at large, as was Walden Macnair. Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy had been caught while attempting to leave the country and arrested. Contessa was convalescing at St. Mungo's due to her injuries, but was scheduled to go to Azkaban pending her recovery to await her trial for Broderick Bode's death. She had a permanent scar on her face from the gash her mother had given her.

Dumbledore had survived whatever Tom had done to him, though he seemed very quiet and old to Harry. Frail, even. Sirius and Lupin had survived, though Lupin had wound up back in the hospital for a few days. Ron and Hermione had done fine, though Hermione had some minor injuries. The Weasleys were much better now that they had Bill back, and other than being a bit dazed and plagued by nightmares, Bill was doing as well as could be expected. Neville's leg healed up after a couple weeks in the hospital. Kingsley Shacklebolt, however, was in a coma and no one was sure if he'd ever wake up. Snape had come out with minor injuries and a twitch that came on him at odd times. Professor Morpheus had sustained some injuries, but had recovered enough to accept the post as Defense Against Dark Arts teacher for the next year. Parvati had become very quiet after Rabastan attacked her, but was unharmed, and most of the rest of the students in Harry's class had only sustained relatively minor injuries. Both Hagrid and Julian, however, had fallen in the valley. Draco was very quiet, most of the time, but otherwise fine. Julian's death seemed to have hit him rather hard. Harry wondered why, but like many things about Draco, he accepted he would never fully understand it.

There was a funeral held for Julian, and Dumbledore delivered the eulogy. Not many people attended, mostly because the few people who would have cared to were in prison. Draco never cried that Harry had ever seen, but there were times when Harry rather thought Draco needed to. Trying to give him comfort felt odd, and usually the best way Harry gave it was with sex.

Hagrid's funeral, however, was large and well-attended. Dumbledore gave the eulogy as well, and few left with a dry eye. Hagrid had been mourned by many a student who had attended during the years he'd worked at Hogwarts. A funeral was also held for Peter Pettigrew, and all of his former friends attended, even Sirius. It was Lupin who gave his eulogy, however.

Narcissa Malfoy wound up making a deal with the ministry for herself, her husband, and her niece. The three of them were to pool their general knowledge of Death Eaters, possible locations the escaped and at large Death Eaters could be, Voldemort's plots and plans, and people and creatures that sided with him and provide as much information as possible to the Ministry. She and Lucius donated one of their secret vaults to the Ministry, and Contessa donated one of the two Lestrange vaults she had received in her inheritance. She also gave up the Lestrange noble titles and property. From what Harry heard, Castle Lestrange was to be turned into a museum. Contessa received three years in Azkaban, while Lucius and Narcissa received five. Narcissa and Lucius had to leave Britain as soon as they were free, and were not allowed to return without special permission from the Ministry. Dumbledore had promised them if he ever heard of any misdeeds from them again, justice would be swift and painful. Contessa, however, was allowed to remain in the country.

In return, Draco received all of Lucius's holdings, assets, and stock in his name. He also was given one of the secret vaults. The last secret vault was to be cleared out upon Lucius's and Narcissa's departure. In one day, Draco had become a very wealthy man. Harry would have thought he would have been happy about this, but he had only nodded and signed the necessary paperwork. He even bought a house over the summer, a relatively modest home. Well, modest by Draco's standards, in any case.

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