Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen:

Professor Morpheus's Good Timing


Harry walked into his Monday afternoon double Defense Against the Dark Arts class with the same anticipation as the rest of the Gryffindors. Parvati and Lavender had primped all day for this class, even more than they had for Firenze. They giggled a lot to each other about him, too. It made Harry want to drop something heavy on their heads. If Morpheus did half the things they wanted him to do, he would have been sacked by the end of his first class and possibly arrested.

Morpheus was sitting at his desk, making notes and looking very neutral. Wearing all black robes made him look extraordinarily pale. Harry heard Dean ask Seamus if he was a vampire. Harry wondered himself.

When everyone had sat down, Morpheus stood up. "Good afternoon. I am Professor Victor Morpheus. If you will please bring out The Times of Troubles: A History of Dark Witches and Wizards and your wands," he said smoothly. That last bit caused most everyone to smile after the experience with Umbridge.

Harry was surprised to note that Neville Longbottom's hand was in the air. Morpheus raised an eyebrow and called on him.

"Yes, Mr. Longbottom, is it?" Morpheus asked.

"I-I'm very sorry if I'm being rude, but I--I want to know if you're a v-vampire. I heard a Slytherin telling people this at lunch, and see, after Professor Lupin turned out to be a werewolf; I just wanted to get this out of the way. We won't mind. We all liked Professor Lupin."

The rest of the class fell silent, staring at Neville and Morpheus curiously. Morpheus had a mildly surprised look on his face. "I can see why you're a Gryffindor, Mr. Longbottom. That was a brave question. The answer is no," Morpheus responded with a smile and then walked over to the window and held out his arm in the sunlight, pulling back his sleeve to bare his arm. "If I was, I could not do this without burning, I assure you. This is a common mistake ignorant people make about me based on my coloration because they know nothing about vampires. I will make sure all of you leave this class without making that same mistake."

Neville looked relieved as Morpheus stepped away from the window and let his sleeve go. "Oh, good," he said. Dean looked disappointed.

"Now who was this tongue-wagging Slytherin? I would like to speak with him or her," Morpheus said coolly. "Write down the name and leave it on my desk before you leave, Mr. Longbottom. I assure you that I will be very cross if you don't."

Before anyone could dwell on that too much, Morpheus began to speak again. "We will begin by reviewing a quick history of Dark witches and wizards in history. History and knowledge of that which lies beyond these halls is imperative for your survival and protection. As we study, I will demonstrate many of their spells and their counter spells. Many of these spells are unpleasant, but in order to learn how to defend yourself, you need to realize they do indeed exist. We will spend the last part of class practicing every day, since you've had an entire year with this post filled by a complete idiot . . ." he said, then instructing them to turn to page four while most of the class snickered in appreciation.

He ignored Hermione's hand, forcing some of the other students to answer. Hermione looked a little put out. Ron was forced to answer some questions, and he lost Gryffindor five points for telling Morpheus that Morgan Le Fay was a pervert.

"But she was! You should see her potion recipes!" Ron complained loudly.

"Another five points from Gryffindor," Morpheus said, looking irritated. "I am not interested in the sexual habits of any Dark witch or wizard, and neither should you be. This is Defense Against the Dark Arts class, not Defense Against Sex Offenders."

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